Shoulder Pain Treatment

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The Shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body, and when one little thing goes wrong, it can throw the entire shoulder “out of balance” and pain can result. 

“No Pain No Gain” is NOT the way to go!…Even if you have a frozen shoulder (click here for our frozen shoulder page).

With shoulder injuries, shoulders that hurt for no known reason, and with shoulders recovering from surgery, restoring normal shoulder mechanics and muscle balance is essential. Indiscriminate exercise and stretching can cause more harm than good. To a doctor of physical therapy, exercise for the shoulder is akin to a physician prescribing medicine for a sickness – If you prescribe the wrong medicine, not only will it not help…it could hurt. If you’ve had this experience, you’re going to LOVE us!

You will love us because we get the body performing like it should in fast, pain-free way. If you happened to undergo surgery, you’ll be happy to know that surgeons love us because we don’t mess up their work! We don’t hurt their patients (even when they expect we will). How do we do this?! With over 20 years of experience, I’ve always looked for the best way to speed healing, recovery, and performance. About a decade ago, I found a unique way to restore shoulder motion while getting rid of pain – minor and major shoulder problems. Every patient is different, but everybody wants to get rid of pain and get back to living. So that’s what we do – focus on you, your unique condition, and we find ways to quickly remove pain, and inflammation – all while inducing healing, restoring motion, and returning you to LIFE!

A point of interest: Shoulders that hurt the same at night as they do in the day,  no known reason for pain, and shoulder pain that doesn’t change with movement or position – get to your MD to get it checked immediately. 

5 thoughts on “Shoulder Pain Treatment”

    1. It’s here! Some of the key shoulder pain treatment techniques we use and teach to get people out of shoulder pain and moving better quickly! Just enter your name and email to get free access and start feeling better now!

  1. Yesterday…shoulder pain with overhead motion in a 13 y/o girl from Texas (yes, they come from all over). Avid and competitive volleyball player. Use pain-free manual (hands-on) techniques to restore full pain-free volleyball service motion. Instructed mom and pt. in proper training regimen. Back to TX with no pain, full athletic motion, and a plan 🙂

  2. Regarding the Shoulder Pain Free in 1-2-3 Manual, the first step actually has to do with the amount of autonomic inerveration or involvement at the shoulder. Decreasing sympathetic (the fight or flight aspect) output at the shoulder and promoting more of a parasympathetic (the relaxing aspect) effect works well to all the next 2 steps to work. Many times, this step knocks the pain down 30-50% – especially in type A folks and those with emotional involvement.

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