As if we weren’t already conquering those persistent chronic pain problems that plague people for years, now we’re adding another method to improve our results even further!
Of course, sometimes there are those people that just don’t respond to even our progressive approaches. And that’s what I’m going after – the non-responders. I’m also going after those who only got 50% better. Chronic neck pain and Chronic low back pain are the two problems I’m most interested in – including radiating pain into the arm or leg.
I look forward to reporting my results!
So far, our new method of relieving chronic pain is working extremely well. Pain problems that have been there for a long time are being relieved in literally one session! Range of motion gains are also immediate. What’s interesting is how our patients feel the next 2 or so days after the session – keeps improving!
Yes, basically, for those who don’t walk out with a 50% or better reduction in pain definitely have greater motion without pain, and a few hours later the pain drops significantly (mostly in difficult back/leg pain patients). People with neck, shoulder and mid back pain are generally 80% or better on the first visit with the “amazed look.” I frequently get, “my neck hasn’t moved like this in years!” My current patient has had a stiff neck for 30 years and doesn’t remember his neck moving like this ever before! He can now turn his head normally when backing his car out (he’s 69). I did mess his golf game up – he is hitting 20 & 30 yards further 🙂 This happened all in one visit. Love it.
Problems that look surgical on MRI such as osteochondral defect in the knee and giving way with pain on physical exam are responding to new treatments – unexpected actually. MRI follow-up on patient with cervical spondylosis and radiculopathy showed signs of healing after new treatments. Sx’s had been decreased and motion restored early on. We haven’t met a chronic pain yet that we can’t improve rapidly – and in a pain-free fashion. We’re now putting together a fibromyalgia (if you believe in that) protocol.
We also upgraded our procedures after training with the best of the best from across the disciplines and from around the world. Amazing experience. Those deep aches and pains that won’t go away and pains associated with “deep bone pain” are being taken out. Amazing results with frozen shoulder and rotator cuff/impingement problems. In one visit, shoulder problems are responding with 50-100% improved range of motion and excellent reductions in pain. No painful stretching or exercise.
Just followed up with a patient that had chronic neck pain and stiffness (35 bilateral rotation) and chronic back pain. His main complaints were his worsening golf game and difficulty looking where he’s going when he’s driving. I treated him 4 times. His last treatment was in Oct 2011.
He continues to love his golf game, has no problems driving, and he states that his neck “continues to feel 20 years younger!” He aggressively demonstrated his good neck range of motion 🙂
Results that last…more important – results that really make a difference in living life to the fullest!
BTW…the aforementioned patient’s neck ROM is 70 degrees bilaterally. He is 74. His back pain was gone after the first session and has not returned. He does a few “golf-specific” exercises 2-3 times a week.
By the way, if you haven’t heard of the physical therapy specialist called an OSTEOPRACTORâ„¢…get ready. An OSTEOPRACTORâ„¢ is a physical therapist or medical doctor that has completed an evidence-based post-graduate training program in the use of high-velocity low-amplitude thrust manipulation and dry needling for the diagnosis and treatment of neuromusculoskeletal conditions of the spine and extremities.
Basically, this is a highly specialized physical therapist that is the highest trained individual in the latest methodologies utilized to handle spine and extremity physical pains and problems. The training is rigorous and it involves evidence-based practice as well as innovation. A 1/2 day written exam, orals, and practical examination are administered and all must be passed separately. Failure of one leads to a no-pass. The Osteopractor credential is awarded to Physical Therapists, Medical Doctors and Osteopaths that have achieved certification in spinal manipulation, dry needling, and completed the extremity manipulation course. The manip courses integrate evidence-based exercise protocols as well.
Call us to get your body moving great without pain 🙂 662-773-3700