Tag Archives: acid reflux

Acid Reflux: Helpful Tips For Your Relief

acid reflux

Are you fighting against acid reflux? Are you losing sleep over it? Has it eaten at your esophagus so much that you are really suffering? You can control acid reflux and the guide below can help you end your suffering.

Acid Reflux

It’s time to quit smoking! Smoking worsens acid reflux disease. It also slows digestion and increases acid production in the stomach while slowing down the production of saliva. It will weaken your esophagus’ sphincter too. This is the reason you should quit today.

Nearly everyone has a specific trigger food, which is prone to cause reflux. Limit how many of these items you consume. Things to stay away from are carbonated drinks, acidic juices, milk, coffee, spicy foods and fatty foods.

A little bit of physical activity can go a long way. Moderation is key. The more vigorously you exercise, the more acid can reflux. Stick to gentle exercise instead. Staying upright when you exercise lets gravity improve your digestion. You will also lose weight by exercising, therefore reducing heartburn.

Drink fewer beverages when eating. Your stomach is stressed while eating, and drinking at the same time will only increase that. Pressure is applied to sections that make acid reflux form. Just take little sips of your drink when eating and have full glasses when you’re not eating.

You have to realize how certain foods like spaghetti and pizza contribute to your acid reflux. When cooking with tomato bases, adding sugar can help reduce acidity. Although your sauce may be sweeter, it will help alleviate your acid reflux.

Reduce the amount of spicy food in your diet, especially in the evenings. This includes Indian dishes, Mexican favorites and jalapeños. These and other hot foods can dry your skin, cause indigestion and intensify acid reflux.

If you notice blood when using the bathroom, or if you throw up and it has blood in it, set up an appointment with a doctor. This can signal a very severe medical issues. There could be a quick fix for your condition if it is something different than acid reflux.

Carbonated or caffeinated beverages can cause acid reflux. Acid production is stimulated in the stomach by sodas, coffee and some teas. These drinks can also cause extra discomfort by damaging the stomach’s lining. Instead of these drinks, opt for green tea.

What are your trigger foods? You can find long lists of foods that will trigger an reflux attack, but your body differs from those of others. You might be able to eat some foods that others can’t, so keep an eye on your foods and their effects.

Strategically schedule your workouts. Keep your exercise sessions at least two hours separate from your intake of food. As a precaution, stick with a window of three hours. If you can do this, your body will feel much better.

Hopefully you have a better idea about how to control your acid reflux symptoms. Can you once again sleep through the night now? Are you ready to let your esophagus heal? With the great tips you’ve read here, you know how to start changing your lifestyle for the better, so do it!