Fasting mistakes can sabotage your efforts to dramatically improve your heath with the most powerful method of detoxification and rejuvenation known to man.
As you are aware, fasting is the #1 way to restore metabolic health through improving insulin sensitivity. Without insulin sensitivity, your entire health profile is affected, and you can experience a host of disorders such as skin problems, hormone problems, stubborn weight gain, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, auto-immune problems, neurodegenerative conditions, cardiovascular disease and more. Basically these conditions are all related to insulin sensitivity and subsequent inflammation – the root of most of our chronic diseases.1
Most people by now have heard of fasting and have probably tried some version of it with the most common type being “Intermittent Fasting.” This is where you simply create an eating window of 12 hours or less and a fasting time of 12 hours or more. Once started, a few key fasting mistakes occur that hinder results. We’ll cover these top 3 fasting mistakes below.
Let’s cover the basic tenets of fasting that make it a superior health restoration method vs literally anything else:
No muscle loss – during conventional low calorie dieting, eating smaller meals multiple times a day (eat less + exercise more,) or undergoing weight loss injections; you lose weight, but you also lose muscle. This is the very tissue that burns fat! It is a majority of your metabolism as well as what determines a lot of your longevity! Fasting preserves muscle through hormone optimization, namely Human Growth Hormone and testosterone. In fact, combining intermittent fasting and exercise is the secret to fat loss while gaining lean mass!2
Restoration of insulin sensitivity and overall optimization of hormone function. Your insulin receptors found in muscle now have a chance to rest, to re-set, and to become more sensitive allowing for more efficient handling of blood sugar. The more stable your blood sugar, the better your health.
Rejuvenation and healing – fasting allows for your body to shift from digestion to reparation. Through a process called autophagy, unnecessary cells (cancerous, diseased, poor functioning, etc.) are removed. This is true “detox.” Conventional dieting does not allow your body to repair and regenerate as you’re constantly in a fed state. You’ve heard of stem cells which are those amazing cells that replace old or bad cells and re-start the clock! DNA repair at it’s finest. I cannot stress the importance of autophagy enough as it is our built in way of literally improving most all modern chronic disease – even neurodegnerative disease like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s!3
The most popular version of intermittent fasting is the 16:8 method whereby you simply skip breakfast and create an 8 hour eating window followed by 16 hours of fasting. And it works!…Until it doesn’t.
Fasting Mistakes… #1
Staying with the same fasting method too long.
Let’s say you jump on the fasting band wagon and you’ve been eating 2 or 3 times a day with maybe a few snacks here and there starting with breakfast around 7 and ending around 8 or so – pretty common. Then all of a sudden, you skip breakfast, eat the same foods, but you’re eating them between 11am and 7pm. You start dropping pounds! After about 3 or more weeks, your weight loss stabilizes, and you’re stuck.
Why? Your body has adapted to that particular hormetic stressor. No where and in no time (except now) in human history did we eat and very consistent times every day. In fact, there were many days we simply didn’t eat!
Your body is always going to adapt to any consistent regimen you do.
If you’ve been in any of my groups or my clinic, you’ll know I’m always calling for “change-up” which means alternating your feeding/fasting times. Daily is great, but weekly works, too.
For example, set your fasting times up to go 16 hours Monday, 20 hours Tue, 12 hours Wed, 20 hours Thur and 12 hours Fri. Weekends are great to let it ride with hunger as your guide, but I don’t recommend eating after dark.
Fasting Mistakes… #2
You don’t fast long enough
In order to truly get into actual fat burning, you need a good 36+ hour fast! My favorite way to set up fat burning through out the entire week is to start it with a 36-48 hour fast. Stop eating at 7pm Sunday, don’t eat Monday, and eat a carnivore (high protein) meal to re-feed on Tue at 7pm or a little earlier if it’s getting dark. As long as you don’t eat excessive carbs, you will be back into ketosis (fat burning) by the next morning. You can carry this through out the week by staying OMAD then 2MAD (2 meals a day) on the weekend.
Fasting Mistakes… #3
You eat too much bad stuff
Vegetable oils, refined carbohydrates, and other artificial foods will hammer your health. Just because these man-made foods are legal does not mean they are healthy. Initially, you can lose weight without changing your diet when you shorten your eating window, but that soon comes to a halt.
Eventually, you have to clean up your diet!
I’ve literally seen people gain weight eating 1 MEAL A DAY!
Also known as OMAD, this is the ultimate go-to for most people who want to get a guarantee weight loss and quick. Depending on your age and you metabolic health, you quickly lose weight regardless of what you’re eating. Granted, you are much more miserable during your fasting time if you consume carbs.
Remember, there are ONLY 2 essentials to an optimal human diet: 1: Animal-based protein and 2: Animal-based fat. (Ruminant animals are preferred.) We love our carbs and most are addicted. Fruit is the “safe carb,” and I only recommend organic due to the incredible amount of pesticide that fruit absorbs. If you don’t do organic, you can soak your fruit in Apple Cider Vinegar for 15 min then rinse. That can pull out most pesticide. Hope this helps!
Need Support or Want Help?
Be sure to request membership to our closed fasting support group called “Fasting Focused Lifestyle.”
You’re either considering fasting or connected to someone who is fasting and you want to know what the heck is going on? Why on earth would anyone want to go without food? Makes no sense, right? This article is a very basic run-down of fasting that will help you determine if going without food is helpful or harmful. Watch this quick 10 minute video!
You’re probably concerned that it’s unsafe! How in the world can going without food, be healthy?!
Fasting is EXTREMELY healthy! It is the fastest way to lose extra fat while preserving muscle. NO other diet does this.
I have never been able to over feed someone into better health! However, when I remove food, their health improves! By this very simple and powerful observation, I think you can use a little common sense here and surmise that adding more food doesn’t equate to better health.
In fact, the ONE thing that the 3 most influential people in all of human history (Jesus, Buddha, and Mohamed) agree on is that fasting is good for the body and the spirit.
Fasting means going completely without food. When you are not ingesting food, your body uses it’s own food. First, it uses the glycogen (sugar) it has stored in the liver. Your body will keep your blood sugar at a certain level at all costs. When the liver runs out of glycogen (24-48 hours), your body then goes to it’s stored food (your FAT stores! Yes!) and this is what we want! Your body is now living on it’s own food that you’ve stored. You are now in a state of “ketosis,” because when your body uses fat as a fuel, it creates a new source of energy called ketones.
However, achieving ketosis is easier said than done! You ARE ADDICTED to CARBS! And once you deplete your body of this drug, you will have symptoms! Once you get past these symptoms, and your body learns how to use its own fat reserves for energy, this is called being “fat adapted,” and life is really good once you achieve this state. It can take several weeks to months. Most experienced fasters who remain low carb can easily go back and forth from using carbs to fats for energy, and this is called “metabolic flexibility.”
Being metabolically flexible is like being a bit superhuman. You can go with or without food. You can use carbs or not. You have no food addictions, but you can enjoy anything. You can use fasting at the drop of a hat with no drop in energy, and your health remains excellent.
Your genetics (assuming you are a homosapien) are designed to be more in a fasted state than in a fed state. Our ancestral heritage spans over the last 1.8 to 2 million years during which we certainly did NOT eat 3 times a day! Moreover, we didn’t have cavities, heart disease, cancer, digestive disorders, dementia, Alzheimer’s, obesity, Diabetes, or any of the collective autoimmune diseases that plague and perplex us. Keep in mind, the first recorded heart attack was in 1921! What we assume is a normal part of aging – arthritis, weakness, falling, heart disease, stroke, etc…IS NOT NORMAL! However these problems are COMMON!
These problems started to appear when our eating frequency increased and our food sources started to shift away from animal-based nutrition. Literally, in the last .01% of human history (the last 100 years,) we’ve managed to create a new most prevalent cause of death – chronic disease.
Intermittent Fasting Anyone?
Recently, many celebrities are jumping on the “Intermittent Fasting” bandwagon, and I applaud this effort! However, Intermittent Fasting (IF) is actually a return to a more normal pattern of eating. IF is basically shortening your feeding window with the most popular one being the 16:8 (16 hours fasted: 8 hours feeding time.) My favorite is the Warrior Fast which is 20:4 (20 hours fasted: 4 hours feeding.) Studies use terminology such as TRF or Time Restricted Feeding and they all find that the shorter the feeding window, the better your health!
Does IF work? It’s better than eating 3-6 meals a day! But most will plateau in their fat loss efforts. In order to lose fat, you have to trigger release of your extra fat reserves and IF only does this to a certain extent.
Extended Fasting! Now this is where we get into true restoration of health, rapid/safe fat loss, rejuvenation, cellular repair and all things related to the popularized concept of Autophagy! Extended fasting (EF) is going more than 24 hours without food, and most people cannot wrap their head around this concept as they still believe that going without food is bad! WRONG! Eating 2-3 times a day and MORE is BAD! EF is the best and most effective method of achieving fat loss without muscle loss due to it†s powerful ability to put you in ketosis by burning YOUR OWN FAT! This happens between 12 and 24 hours. Some sources say between 2 and 4 days, because it depends on many different factors.
I frequently go 2 and 3 days without food just to show my patients that you wont die!
We know this – You may burn a little fat on a 2 day fast (48 hours.) You will be fully burning fat once you get past 48 and do a 3 day fast (72 hours.) On that 3rd day, your body is burning fat as your primary fuel source. That means you are in ketosis.
There are 2 types of fasts.
1. Liquid fast. This is where you only drink a calorie free drink like water, and unfortunately, water is not a great way to fast. It “bottoms you out!” … Water pushes your electrolytes out, and you don’t feel good. There is a solution to this, and I’ll address it below.
2. Dry fast. This type of fasting method is where you refrain from food or drink. You’re body will use it’s own “metabolic water” and this will also come from fat as adipose tissue is 60% water. Your fat literally has all you need regarding nutrition to live…including water. Dry fasting is used mostly for healing a medical problem or disorder, i.e. skin problems, illnesses, cancer and more. The most common dry fast is called a “soft dry fast.” This means contact with water is allowed such as brushing your teeth and taking a shower. A “hard dry fast” simply means absolutely no contact with any liquid – no shower, no swimming, no brushing teeth, no washing your face, etc.
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Here are the top fasting concerns:
First of all, know that they are NOT GOING to DIE! Hospitalized , comatose, dying people who have the feeding tube and IV removed (no food, no water) will literally live 7-9 days! Now the person fasting may feel like they’re going to die as they begin the process of breaking their addictions to carbs, caffeine, and whatever else they’ve been pounding their body with. These “detox” symptoms are temporary!
1. Isn’t fasting basically starvation? Not Quite!
What differentiates fasting from starvation is the hormonal response. When you fast, your HGH (Human Growth Hormone) levels and adrenaline increase thus preserving your muscle. The moment you put any food substance in your mouth, you go into a “fed” state and this hormonal response stops. Your body is now waiting on food. If you don’t eat enough to meet your caloric needs, then your body will catabolize itself to achieve this caloric need – it will take from muscle and fat. So yes, you will lose weight, but part of that weight is muscle! The very tissue that burns fat. This is starvation!
ALL DIETS that have you eat multiple times a day but do not meet your caloric need are basically putting you into starvation mode. You will lose weight, but you will lose muscle and fat. Most people who can stick with it end up being “skinny fat” people as their body fat percentage remains high due to the loss of muscle.
2. How long can you go without food?
As long as you have extra fat reserves on your body! Literally. That fat on your body that you can feel plus the fat all around your organs (the dangerous kind) that you can’t feel is basically food! It has all that you need to survive when you’re not stuffing your face.
It is not uncommon for very obese people to fast for 30 days with liquid only. The longest recorded fast is 382 days! It was done in 1973 in Scotland. Fasting is nothing new.
There is a myth that you can only last 3 days without water and 3 weeks without food. It’s the “rule of 3’s,” and it is simply WRONG. I do 72 hour (3 day) dry fasts while I’m working, and I have no problems doing this!
3. Why drink salt water instead of regular water?
Plain water flushes your electrolytes (mainly sodium and potassium), and you can feel really bad. When you drink an electrolyte solution, you keep your electrolytes balanced and you’ll feel as good as possible. This strategy also helps break food addiction. Many people do fast with water only, but I don’t recommend it. You only need to use electrolyte solution during a prolonged fast of 2 days or more. For those doing a 1 meal a day (OMAD) fast, water is fine. You’ll get plenty of sodium and potassium from your food.
GO HERE to see how to make the electrolyte solution!
3. When should you not fast?
Once your body fat is in a normal range and you are approaching a “lean” body composition, multiple day fasts are no longer necessary for fat loss. People who are already in a low body fat range such as 4% or below and/or have an eating disorder should also refrain from using fasting strategies without proper professional supervision.
Moreover, if you have an obvious or diagnosed nutritional deficiency, you should not fast.
4. What’s that funny smell and taste?
First of all, there is no telling what toxins you’ve been storing in your fat cells all your life and now they’re being purged, or released. That could be one reason for body or breath odor, and it is very temporary.
You will also enter a state of “ketosis” which means your body is now using fat as a fuel vs sugar or carbohydrate. This is a very natural and awesome physical state to be in! However, your body is not used to it, and the ketones produced as a byproduct of fat metabolism can be temporarily noticed in your breath – it’s a little strong, sweet, fruity type flavor. This is not ketoacidosis which is a condition that type 1 diabetics experience when there ketones reach excessive amounts. It’s not possible for a non diabetic to develop ketoacidosis.
5. Why doesn’t my doctor – trainer – therapist or other professional not know about fasting?
First of all, they weren’t trained in fasting strategies. Simple as that. They are incredibly intelligent people and they’ve most likely mastered their discipline, but fasting was not a part of their curriculum.
The lowdown on carbs…
Unfortunately, there are still professionals who believe you MUST HAVE CARBS! This is sad, because it is simply not true. They are super smart people, probably some of the smartest in the world, however they are trained to practice in a certain way with a model of physiology that requires frequent feeding. I was taught the same! We’re taught that glucose is the primary fuel source of the brain so we must ingest it to keep ourselves healthy, energetic, and able to live, right? WRONG! Following this model, we got fat, and it all started in 1977 when the first food pyramid came out recommending 6-11 servings of grain per day. We then started snacking (carbs make you hungry at least every 2 hours) to keep our “blood sugar” from bottoming out – laughable! Carbs are simply not essential.Fat and Protein are essential, and carbs are simply an optional energy source.
Ingestion of carbs also inhibits your bone marrow from releasing white blood cells as part of your normal immune response. In essence, after eating carbs, your immune system has been compromised, and you are more susceptible to becoming ill!
When you eat carbs or foods that convert to sugar, your body will not use it’s stored sugar and fat – so you will not lose any weight.
You have to trigger your body to use it’s stored sugar (in the liver and muscles,) then to use your fat reserves as fuel! How do you trigger it? Quit eating… Do a fast!
A possible exception…
There are select healthcare professionals that are trained and/or self-educated in low carb, fasting, and other healthy dietary methods.
Be sure to check out Low Carb USA for practitioners that are up to date on the latest nutritional approaches to health.
How to mess up your metabolism
Trainers are educated to diet folks multiple times a day and create a caloric deficit while exercising you in some way. Metabolism drops as your weight does, you feel exhausted eventually, and you quit. The weight comes back just like all the participants experienced on the show “The Biggest Loser.” Eating less calories and exercising your butt off is not a sustainable way to drop extra fat. Besides, what it took these folks about 9 months to achieve can be achieved in 3 months with fasting!…And without all the exhausting exercise, mental fatigue, drop in metabolism, loss of muscle, and ultimate failure. People who fast continue to live their lives, work, go to school, and they actually perform better!
Hard truth
You will only find a few professionals “in the know.” The food industry that is a large part of our economy, especially the grain industry that has a huge profit margin, stands nothing to gain by people choosing healthier options such as fasting. They only stand to lose. So be prepared to see the media come out in force with fake stories like …”the dangers of fasting,” “low carb kills,” “Keto Dieters Shorten Life Span’s,” “Meat Diet Causes Heart Disease” on and on!
As you read this right now, you are basing your decisions on what you believe. What you believe is what you’ve learned mostly from the media. The media is paid by the food industry to advertise it’s food. The food industry sponsors research to educate physicians in medical school. The food industry also pays congressman to allow for laws that allow addictive substances in our food sources. You literally believe that oatmeal is heart healthy, right? Why? Because you were told so in advertisements. It’s a lie – plain and simple. The purpose of this lie is to get you to buy oatmeal – not get healthy. No grain is considered heart healthy, and grains are a large part of the reason we have some much obesity, digestive problems, diabetes, alzheimer’s and other chronic disease. Get the book “Grain Brain” by Dr. Perlmutter.
6. Should vitamins and minerals be taken while fasting?
No, not necessarily. On most fasting regimens which are typically spread throughout the week, you get plenty of the essentials from your own fat and the re-feeds (when you eat.) There is no evidence that vitamins/minerals should be included in prolonged fasts. Your fat cells contain all that you need regarding vitamins/minerals – and a lot of stuff you don’t need (hence the term “detox.”) The vitamin/mineral requirements are also very inaccurate as they were established back in the 40’s and based on carb dieting soldiers. When you don’t eat carbs, your requirements change. No study has ever shown that vitamin/mineral supplementation provides any benefit or protection from disease. This vitamin chasing phenomenon was popularized in the 50’s and the marketing since then has been relentless. The only vitamins I recommend giving valid attention to are vitamin D3+K2.
7. Can you lose weight too fast?
Everyone loses weight at different rates. It is not uncommon for heavier people with a lot to lose to drop 10 pounds a week and/or 30 pounds a month. As you grow leaner the fat loss slows. When you get down to the last 10-15 pounds is when you don’t need to do aggressive fasting. One meal a day and a few 48 hour fasts once to twice a week works well and is very comfortable. Exercise can also be implemented at this stage, but again, it’s not necessary for fat loss. Exercise is excellent for strength, muscle gain, and overall fitness and function.
Perspective on Fasting & Our Current Diet
Keep in mind that homo sapiens (our species) have been on earth for about 200,000 years! Most of our time on earth has been as hunter-gatherers, and we ate animals, nose to tail to sustain us. We experienced times of feasting during a kill and fasting until the next kill. Vegetation was scarce, and virtually non-existent in many parts of the world due to the ice age. Fruit presented after the ice age when the earth began to warm about 11,000 years ago, and it was only found in a few locations. Agriculture (growing crops and cultivating grains) started about 10,000 years ago when we began to create settlements. We started to substitute vegetable oils, sugar, and grains for animal products about 100 years ago, the first heart attack was recorded in 1921.
Supermarkets started in the ’40’s, and we started increasing our grain consumption due to government dietary guidelines (the food pyramid) in 1977. Snacking became the norm in the 80’s and obesity rates, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders began to sky-rocket. Now we are riddled with obesity and chronic disease.
We turn to our medical professionals, but they are trained to treat your pathology, not fix your diet that lead up to your disease. In fact, most are trained in such a way that does not teach them that diet is in any way related to disease!
Our Modern Diet
Notice that literally within the last 100 years, we’ve managed to destroy our health and make being unhealthy and overweight the norm! Even in the 70’s we fasted at least 12 hours, and obesity was not very prevalent. We ate breakfast at 7, lunch, then dinner around 7. Repeat. Nowadays it’s breakfast, a snack, lunch, a snack, dinner and dessert…maybe another snack.
Refined carbs/snacks surround us, cost next to nothing, and are super addictive. Insulin spiking has never been greater, nor have our rates of type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease and cancer.
For some odd reason, our governments say we should eat a balanced diet of vegetables, fruits, grains, and low fat dairy. This combination has never been a part of a healthy human diet. First of all, this is the first time in history we’ve had the transportation and technology to ship food to all parts of the world. Our health does no require shipments of food. It requires 2 things: protein and fat (mostly animal-based). You cannot get all your essential nutrition from plants only. Simply look at the problems the vegetarians and vegans have. It’s astounding.
We have come to the point where we’ve moved so far away from a normal human diet that it’s now unrecognizable.
You are now being taken advantage of by all the fad diets and methods meant to take your money only to have to grow fatter and unhealthier. ALL diets cause you to lose weight by caloric restriction and multiple meals a day – not fasting. ALL popular diets cause people to lose weight and regain it. There is a 99% failure rate in the industry. So yes, ALL commercial diets are basically a scam. They take your money and they don’t work.
What works?
Quit eating – it’s guaranteed. Fasting will not decrease your metabolism, cause muscle loss, or kill you. However, you will lose fat, break food addiction, resolve underlying and many active diseases, and all for the grand cost of zero!
And all you really have to do is take a step back in time, take a lesson from our ancestors who did not have obesity, chronic disease, diabetes, heart disease, or bad health. They lived long healthy lives and died of injury primarily. The myth about them dying early is wrong as it uses infant mortality to calculate life span, and yes, they had a much higher infant mortality. But in general, they lived just as long as we do and in a much harsher climate.
We can simply use a fasting strategy (like we’re genetically designed to do) in order to help restore our health by mimicking the feast and famine ways.
Once we are back to a natural, lean body, we can eat a more normal caloric load usually once or twice a day in a small window of time. That may sound foreign to you, but once you are lean, healthy, and happy with tons of energy and vitality; frequent eating is simply not desired. You can still eat bad foods, and you’ll know how to “fix it with fasting!” Life is good, and now you’re in control. You can live without being a prisoner to food addiction and always wondering when and what you’re going to eat next.
Your physiology will have changed. The way you think and feel about food now is not what it will be when you are lean. It’s hard to imagine for some, because you have certain feelings and thoughts about food. Therefore, when people talk about freedom from addiction and full control of their diet, that may sound completely foreign to you! And it should! More than likely you’ve never had complete freedom from food addiction, and you’ve eaten more days in your life than you haven’t eaten.
The ones who don’t fare well on a fasting regimen (they lose weight then gain most back pretty quick) are the ones why try and fast for a long period of time right off the bat! Then they go right back to their old ways.Yo Yo fasters. It’s rare, but it does happen.
The way to succeed is to lose excess weight by building a fasting regimen into your life and be consistent. Use a combination of 48’s, 72’s, and 96’s. In other words, set up 2,3, 4, and/or 5 day fasts that fit your lifestyle. On your feeding days, just eat once and keep it on the high protein/low carb end. Our ancestors (hunter-gatherers) ate a carnivorous diet followed by fasting, hunting, and repeating the process.
Once you are in your target weight range, maintaining that weight is simple and looks like a mostly meat diet with limited veggies and fruit. Raw dairy, hard aged cheese, and raw honey every now and then are good for those who’ve tested it and found that it causes no problem.
I hope you take this life saving information and put it into action. Common sense has probably kicked in by now, and you KNOW that what is going on (and will continue to occur in the food world around us) has nothing to do with helping us return to optimal health. It is to keep us eating as much and as often as possible. You now know what you can do and it’ll save you a ton of money and misery. Fast 😉
PS: Please Remember the FIRST RULE OF FASTING:
DON’T TELL PEOPLE YOU ARE FASTING! First of all, they have no clue about fasting and think that you are crazy. Conversation deteriorates down a rabbit hole of ignorance. You simply don’t have time to explain all the things you’ll want to discuss – It’s like giving a 1st grader 12th grade information. It just won’t compute. Send them to this article! I’ll take care of them for you 😉
PPS: Not everyone will want to fast. Some people are simply not willing to forego their food as they have a “relationship” with food that they’re unwilling to break. It’s like smokers who know they need to quit, but they haven’t reached to stage to where they want to quit. We know fasting is natural, it is good for you, and it’s the most powerful and fastest fat loss and health restoration method God gave us. But that doesn’t mean others will want to fast. Fasting is for EVERYONE, but not Everyone is for fasting.
The SCIENCE of Fasting
For those of you who just have to know the inner workings of this very natural state of rejuvination, repair, and recovery…Watch this video:
I’m getting a lot of “you’ve lost weight” and “you look younger” comments now that I made some changes and I dropped from 187 to 170. I’m a 5’7″ 49 year old guy so 5 pounds is a lot and it will mess with you, especially if you put your fat in the belly area (dangerous!). How did I do it? I do have a secret ingredient, so stick with me as I explain – you need to know some things first. If I just blurt it out, then it’s like giving a 5th grader information that’s meant for a 12th grader. You’ll quickly dismiss it or judge it incorrectly.
Moreover, it’s not just the secret ingredient that helped my weight loss, it’s how I used it.
All weight loss methods work to an extent but you know by now that everyone gains it back for the most part. Even those who’ve have the weight loss surgeries gain their weight back.
My first trick: figure out where you want to be and set a goal (weight, body fat, clothing size, etc.). Give yourself time as rapid weight loss rarely works (although I did drop 15 pounds in 21 days!). As a 49 year old, I’m setting a goal to be in the best shape of my life by the time I’m 50. I honestly don’t like to weigh and measure myself in any way, but that which can be measured can be managed. I have a wife, kids, and a lot of patients that depend on me to be around for a long time – the extra weight had to go.
My personal health and fitness goals:
Body weight 165
Body fat 15%
Ability to do a press to handstand
Ability to do a muscle up
Wear medium shirts, fitted shirts, and size 30-31 pants comfortably.
(these are subject to change as I progress along – that’s normal.)
Why these goals? They cover both health and fitness which are 2 different things entirely. Health is not well defined and fitness is wide open to interpretation, so I wanted to make sure my body is physically strong (no one ever comes into my clinic complaining about being too strong) and slender – no unnecessary storage or fat. Extra fat can cause all sorts of problems as you know, so I want a normal amount of fat. Shredding all of it off is not necessarily healthy – that’s for show! A normal amount of body fat is healthy and it will allow your body to look it’s absolute best.
If you achieve those above goals, your body will more than likely look much like a gymnast. No too muscled up and not too skinny…just right. A good reference I believe is the Statue of David, but I’ll allow a little more body fat as David looks pretty young. You should have very good energy as well.
80% of weight comes from your diet…what you eat or don’t eat. 20% of your weight is due to your activity level
This is why so many who try to just exercise more fail. Exercise is a very inefficient way to lose weight! You’ll get better at exercising but your pounds will just sit there laughing at you. Have you ever noticed how many runners, weight lifters, and walkers stay really overweight despite their efforts?
Yes, I am a physical therapist, and I DO endorse exercise! But, let’s be honest, if your goal is weight loss/fat loss, then exercise is a small part of the prescription.
You CANNOT out exercise a bad diet
Ok, so what diet should you use?
My wife will readily tell you that I annoy her completely when I start harping about eating like a human – she’ll buy all the grainy sugary floury stuff and tell my that I don’t have to eat it. She and the kids can eat that stuff with no ill effects. I eat it, and I blow up pretty quick (or I used to).
Of course I keep up with the diet industry as best I can so I can counsel my patients. There is no 1 hit wonder diet. Everyone is different beginning with their mindset and then their physiology and genetics.
The more complex and involved a diet approach is, the more destined you are to fail attempting it. Diets should be simple as God designed us in a way to eat some fairly simple things. The more we refine it, process it, and alter it, the more it will cause us problems. We are designed to eat mostly protein, fat, veggies, and some fruits and nuts/seeds. Foods that are dairy-based, sugary, or made with corn or flour are not foods our bodies love.
Our genetics are the same as when we were hunter-gatherers, so outside of the basics mentioned above, our bodies have to really work to handle all the unrecognizable substances we put in them! Never have we had so many artificial substances, sugar, and foods that convert to sugar so readily available. We used to have to work to get our food, and it did not consist of much of what we ingest today. Just look at any movie from the 70’s and earlier…not many overweight folks. We blew up starting in the 80’s as obesity rates doubled. Mississippi has been in the lead for the greater part of the last 3 decades. The point I’m making is that our environment is so different and our bodies are acclimating to it! We now have to put forth a great effort to eat like we’re designed to.
So what diet should you use? Here are some diets that help us return to some basics that are similar to the way our ancestors ate.
Any Paleolithic Diet: the paleo approach is not just about eating meat. It’s a very human way to eat. I recommend the book “Practical Paleo.” It has all the info you need plus meal plans if you’re into that. I just like the do’s, don’ts, and the principles.
The Mediterranean Diet: this is one of the most studied and recommended diets across the nutritional and medical communities. It’s a fairly easy method to follow. I don’t use this approach, but I’ve had great success with patients who have. For those who simply cannot or will not give up carbs or grains, this is a good go-to. I put this here mainly because it is a medically accepted and promoted diet; however, it’s like any other diet where people do gain their weight back when they return to old habits. You’ve been warned.
Ketogenic Diet: these diets keep you in a slight state of ketosis where you burn fat like crazy. Once you adapt to this way of eating, there is no going back. Your health will be amazing.
Ketogenic Diet integrated with fasting (intermittent and extended) – This is the most successful, permanent weight loss and health restoration method that is time tested and proven. SEE MORE HERE. This is how you not only lose weight but fix chronic ailments, autoimmune disorders, gut and digestive issues, and metabolic disorders (type 2 diabetes).
Here is What I Used: Secret No. 1.
The Bone Broth Diet – I love it, and here’s why. It’s easy, simple, it works, and it’s a 21 day program. It’s much like a combination of paleo and ketogenic plus you use a bone broth as a snack and on “mini fast” days. This bone broth that you can buy HERE or make yourself (it will smell your house up – ha!) This bone broth has collagen in it which is a bit of an anti-inflammatory and it is awesome for your joints and your skin. It’s made from an organic grass fed source so it’s the good stuff and has no bad stuff.
I recommend getting the Bone Broth Diet book on Amazon and then either buying the easy to make broth HERE or learn how to make it HERE in a recent article I wrote about bone broth (CLICK HERE to GET the RECIPE). I’ve done both, and the bone broth packets are the way to go for me. They are easy to make and I could put it in my Yeti tumbler and sip it at work, too! The actual diet is simple. Of course there are recipes and meal plans, but I just use the recommended foods and come up with stuff – my family (yes, kids included) love it!
My wife loves the diet, my kids love the diet foods and dishes. The broths are hit and miss. The broth that I make is usually a smash hit. My wife had that first, so she doesn’t really like the broth packets at all! The absolute BEST TASTING and highest rated bone broth is made by Au Bon – Go HERE to Try It Out!
Secret No. 2.
Exogenous Ketones! You may or may not have heard of these, but in a nutshell, you are helping your body rapidly get into a state of nutritional ketosis – fat burning! You are putting in ketones which is a substance your body already makes on a low carb diet. Ketones come from metabolizing fat, and they act as a source of energy, and your body loves them more than glucose! Learn More and Get SOME HERE. (there is a short 4 minute video that gives a great run down on how exogenous ketones will work for you as they do for me. Better focus, energy, and fat loss. Very natural (your body already makes them), and very safe. In the clinic, I’ve been enjoying not only watching people lose fat but also heal better, faster and more complete! Yes, ketones are also anti-inflammatory and help healing occur. They also have a strong anti-carcinogenic effect. They are my secret, but now I’m recommending that most of my patients and clients try it – GO HERE
Secret No. 3.
And this is my favorite secret that is so effective and knocking out belly fat (and inflammation!)…use GRASS-FED BEEF! It can be hard to find, and I get mine HERE at US Wellness Meats! It costs the same as when you find it at the store, and this stuff is good! I get the ground beef and various steaks HERE. No matter what dietary approach you use, put grass-fed beef into your diet. Grain-fed meat is what 95% of our country eats, and it’s highly inflammatory thus all the bad stories about gout, cancer, leaky gut syndrome, etc. Just get some grass-fed beef which your body will thank you for. If you’re a vegetarian, sorry – keep working hard to fill in the nutritional gaps you’ll have to deal with. I know all the arguments here, and vegetarianism/veganism is more of a lifestyle choice vs a necessity for health. Humans are designed to be omnivores – period. Being a vegetarian for some is great, just not for all. Certain genetic types do well with being a vegetarian, but it does take an effort.
Why is grass-fed beef so good? Basically, it has the ideal omega 3 to 6 ratio that’s good for you. Grain-fed beef is too high with omega 6 and causes inflammation. Grass-fed beef also has a CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) which is a known and proven fat buster. Weight lifters have used this for years in pill form to try and shed those extra fat pounds. Just eat grass-fed beef.
But Wait There’s More! I HAVE A BONUS FOR YOU!
I have been testing a developing a new diet, and it’s called 21 Days ON 15 Pounds OFF. It is to come out very soon now that the tests are done and it works better than expected! How would you like to truly change your health and your body in 3 weeks?
I want you to have this for FREE!It’s only FREE to the first 25 People that fill out this form first. When you click “Submit,” you’ll get a notification by email. Click the book or GO HERE NOW!
Below are references I use to fend off the naysayers to any of my comments ;-). In other words, I’m not just giving you hype, I back it up…
1Juanola-Falgarona M et al. Effect of the glycemic index of the diet on weight loss, modulation of satiety, inflammation, and other metabolic risk factors: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Clin Nutr. 2014 Jul;100(1):27-35.
3Susan B Robert et al. Energy requirements and aging. Public Health Nutrition: 8(7A), 1028–1036.
4Poehlman ET et al. Determinants of decline in resting metabolic rate in aging females. Am J Physiol. 1993 Mar;264(3 Pt 1):E450-5.
5Ryan AS. Insulin resistance with aging: effects of diet and exercise. Sports Med. 2000 Nov;30(5):327-46.
6Gower BA et al. A lower-carbohydrate, higher-fat diet reduces abdominal and intermuscular fat and increases insulin sensitivity in adults at risk of type 2 diabetes. J Nutr. 2015 Jan;145(1):177S-83S.
7Bazzano LA et al. Effects of Low-Carbohydrate and Low-Fat Diets: A Randomized Trial. Ann Intern Med. 2014 Sep 2;161(5):309-18.
8Wojcicki JM et al. Reducing childhood obesity by eliminating 100% fruit juice. Am J Public Health. 2012 Sep;102(9):1630-3.
9Volek JS, et al. Carbohydrate restriction has a more favorable impact on the metabolic syndrome than a low fat diet. Lipids. 2009 Apr;44(4):297-309.
10Keogh JB, et al. Effects of weight loss from a very-low-carbohydrate diet on endothelial function and markers of cardiovascular disease risk in subjects with abdominal obesity. Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Mar;87(3):567-76.
11Dyson PA, et al. A low-carbohydrate diet is more effective in reducing body weight than healthy eating in both diabetic and non-diabetic subjects. Diabet Med. 2007 Dec;24(12):1430-5.
12McClernon FJ, et al. The effects of a low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet and a low-fat diet on mood, hunger, and other self-reported symptoms. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2007 Jan;15(1):182-7.
13Meckling KA, et al. Comparison of a low-fat diet to a low-carbohydrate diet on weight loss, body composition, and risk factors for diabetes and cardiovascular disease in free-living, overweight men and women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2004 Jun;89(6):2717-23.
14Yancy WS Jr, et al. A low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet versus a low-fat diet to treat obesity and hyperlipidemia: a randomized, controlled trial. Ann Intern Med. 2004 May 18;140(10):769-77.
15Stanhope KL, et al. Consuming fructose-sweetened, not glucose-sweetened, beverages increases visceral adiposity and lipids and decreases insulin sensitivity in overweight/obese humans. J Clin Invest. 2009 May;119(5):1322-34.
16 Whalen KA, et al. Paleolithic and Mediterranean Diet Pattern Scores Are Inversely Associated with All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality in Adults. J Nutr. 2017 Apr;147(4):612-620