Advice On Making Your Memory More Reliable


As you age, it can seem that losing memories is inevitable. Many people believe that this is a natural response to the formation of new memories, but others aren’t so sure that this is a good thing. The following article provides you with some hints and tips that can help you prevent or slow the process of memory loss.


One fun way to improve your memory is by playing games designed to challenge your brain. The game functions as exercise for your brain, just as running does for your body. With constant exercise, your brain stays flexible and limber, able to take on the challenges of each day. Games improve your memory and your mind. Examples of good games that boost your memory are crosswords puzzles, brain teasers and word searches.

If you really want to perform an exercise that helps you remember things, then simply write them down. Writing something down yourself helps you remember by stimulating blood flow throughout the brain, most specifically to the areas of the brain that deal with memory. You can enhance your capacity to memorize or recall important information by maintaining a journal, writing letters, making lists and other activities that involve handwriting.

If this applies to you, try taking a short break from your work or studies once an hour to give your brain a chance to recharge. Your brain will be able to retain new information more easily after a break.

Much like a muscle, your brain needs exercise and stimulation to keep it working well. One way to keep your mind sharp is to regularly partake in challenging word puzzles.

One good way to keep your mind limber is to stay active within your social circles. This will keep you spirits up and alert. Your brain is not stimulated if you are depressed or lonely, and the cells in your brain aren’t getting any exercise. A strong mind leads to a better memory, so make sure to engage in active conversations with other people on a regular basis.

Eat foods that help your brain perform better. Eat plenty of healthy fats to encourage healthy brain functioning. Stay away from trans fats. Instead, consume fish, walnuts, and oil from flax seeds.

While age can take a toll on our memory skills, there are things that can be done to bounce it back into life again. A nutritious diet, regular exercise, restful sleep, stress reduction, mind-stimulating games and frequent laughter can all be effective strategies to keep your brain function high and help retain your good memory.

Try to avoid coffee. Caffeine, which is found in coffee and other drinks, may lead to dehydration. Dehydration will cause fatigue, making it difficult to function fully due to the brain’s dependence on water. This can cause problems with your memory.

You may not have an option for recovering lost memories. But the tips we give here can definitely aid you in retaining memories from now on. Use these tips to make sure you keep your memory good and strong.

One thought on “Advice On Making Your Memory More Reliable”

  1. no, it doesn’t help with memory- it helps make you less tired. the dootcr has to prescribe it, it comes in a needle, and its about 6 dollars for a little bottle, the nurse gives you the injection. you need to go for regular blood tests to make sure that your B-12 levels are still low, or to see if you can stop taking it.

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