Will allulose kick me out of ketosis

Does Allulose Kick You Out of Ketosis

Live Blood Test on Allulose and It’s Effect on Blood Sugar and Ketones

You want to know if allulose kicks or takes you out of ketosis and does allulose increase your blood sugar. You’re about to find out! Watch my live blood study video here (this is not public).

To purchase the exact version of allulose I use in my test CLICK HERE. You can also see this version on the right sidebar, so click there as well to take you to this version of allulose. There are other versions of allulose that are suspect. In other words, they may not be just allulose both other sugar that can definitely increase your blood sugar or take you out of ketosis. This is the only version that I have tested.

To learn more about allulose Click HERE

This test was done due to the reports that allulose was kicking people out of ketosis. Further investigation showed that these reports were coming from Quest Cereal Bar users that were on a ketogenic diet and maintaining ketosis. These Quest Bars with allulose as an ingredient were kicking people out of ketosis so they were saying that allulose kicked them out of ketosis. It was the Quest Cereal Bar, not necessarily the allulose. If you look at the ingredient listing of these bars you’ll see that they have other ingredients that can affect your blood sugar and possibly take your ketosis level down – so beware.

22 thoughts on “Does Allulose Kick You Out of Ketosis”

  1. Thank you so much. I am diabetic and I just started the Ketogenic diet. I needed to make sure. You are the second person I have seen do this kinda of test. The couple that performed the first test ate it straight and waited 30 minutes before checking results. From both of your testes, it seemed to lower blood sugar levels and raise the keto state apparently.

    1. Actually there was no significant effect. The number changes you see are “negligible.” It shows that allulose does not have an effect on blood sugar or ketosis.

  2. I imagine a small amount in your coffee would not kick you out of a fasting state for intermittent fasting?

  3. In most of the recipe/calorie/carb trackers, Allulose is recognized solely as a sugar which translates to high carb calculations. Is there a work-around or up-to-date tracker that you could recommend?

    1. I know! It has to be reported as a sugar/carb as well. Unfortunately, I don’t know of a workaround other than not recording it.

  4. Thanks for sharing this! I just about had a heart attack this morning when I used some “keto” syrup and saw it had 28 grams of sugar in it. It was all allulose which I had never heard of. This video was really helpful in my research. I’m going to check my ketones in a bit because I’m interested if I will have the same results! I think I had about 40 grams.

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