Nutrition – Supplements – Diet

If you’ve been around me any length of time, you’ll know that I am an unbiased, no-nonsense Doctor of Physical Therapy who loves to keep it simple. I do not like hype. I do not like the newest, hottest, greatest thing ever (without inspection). Of course, I do stay on the cutting edge of health, fitness, healing, and human performance!  I especially have a problem with nutrition sales people (mostly the mlm variety) marketing their products with claims of miraculous events. This is very misleading to the public. On a special note, network marketing and mlm companies that sell nutritional products do not make their money because of results or having a superior product – they make their money on reps signing people up to be distributors.  I like accessing people to great products and methods that are simple, cost effective, and no non-sense. I.e. Find a good product, go to the store (or online) and buy it. Done.

So, what do I like? I absolutely love whole food nutrition products that do not have artificial ingredients. I like keeping it simple, and I believe God designed us that way. I believe your food and anything else you put in your mouth with the intent to swallow should be as close to the way God and nature intended it to be. Now that doesn’t mean don’t cook your meat – ha! Humans are very good at eating foods cooked properly. We’ve had fire for a long time now 🙂 Dogs and other animals do have problems with cooked foods due to the charred material having carcinogens. Our guts deal with them fine – it’s called evolution.

The more we process, cook, strip, bleach, and refine our food beyond recognition, the more we put ourselves at risk for problems. Think about it. It’s almost common sense…The harder our bodies have to work to deal with substa

nces it doesn’t recognize and/or can’t use, the more strain our system experiences. And just like any machine, only so much strain can be tolerated until something gives. We see this in terms of Arthritis, Cancer, Heart Disease, Obesity, High Blood Pressure, Stroke, Gout, Celiac Disease, and Type II Diabetes to name a few. Inflammation is a big culprit that results from many crappy foods we eat (sugar and fried foods) , and inflammation is a great contributor to early death, pain, and many weird ailments.

The State of Our Nation: We’ve moved so far away from normal human eating that when attempts are made to return, it’s considered being a “health nut.” You don’t have to be a health nut to be healthy! You simply need to eat like humans were meant to eat. Normal food. If it comes in a wrapper or a box (of course with some exceptions), chances are that it’s not the greatest thing to put in your body. Sure! We can eat some really crappy stuff that is pretty awesome (to our taste buds) on occasion – I do! We simply don’t need to consistently bombard our innards with the crappy stuff.

My background as a Doctor of Physical Therapy for over 20 years allows me to inspect research and to determine weather it is bunk or not. Having examined and treated thousands of patients in the unhealthiest state in the Union, I can attest to the ravages of a bad diet and faulty nutrition on the human body.  Frankly, all research aside, if you eat food that is as close as the way God and nature intended it to be, you are on the right track. My hobby area of study is Anthropology (physical…and some behavioral) as I love studying humans. And yes, we are designed to eat meat.

(Me doing jump spin kick at age 44) As a World Champion martial artist and lover of all athletics, I’ve seen my fair share of crazy diets, supplements, and nutritional products. I’ve been approached by many with requests to endorse, sell, distribute, etc. The supplement industry is a billion dollar business. It’s designed to make money, then move to the next hyped up thing. Granted, there are some GOOD SUPPLEMENTS! (see my pic at the top!), but you really don’t need a lot to improve your health. Sometimes it has more to do with removing something from as opposed to adding it to your intake. More on this later!

I’ll do my best to bring you words of wisdom and experience you can hopefully use to improve your health: greater strength, normalize cholesterol, return BP to normal levels, achieve ideal body fat percentage, restore good energy levels, establish normal blood chemistries, achieve normal blood sugar, etc. The word “health” needs to be defined a bit, so when talking to me about improving your “health,” I’ll need to know what part of “health” you are talking about. A “clean bill of health” basically means you’re not sick. It doesn’t necessarily mean you are healthy 🙂

Being Fit is a whole other ball game!

I look forward to further discussion!

Yours in Health,

Wade Baskin, PT, DPT, RRT



3 thoughts on “Nutrition – Supplements – Diet”

  1. Always keep this in mind, fat loss is 80% diet, 20% exercise. So where should your emphasis be? Then why not learn how to eat more like a normal human so you can have normal health and fitness – which is pretty awesome compared to the average state of most people!
    For rapid fat loss, especially belly fat – and yes this meets my human eating criteria 🙂
    The best fat loss and overall healthiest, easiest human eating program out there!

    I recommend clicking the link, listening to the intro video and seeing which one really clicks with your needs, wants, and goals.

    Enjoy the journey to great health and fitness with us!
    Wade Baskin, PT, DPT, RRT

  2. Yes! We lost the weight! … Boom! We gained it back!

    So why do we lose unnecessary pounds only to gain them back? Well, there are a host of reasons, but let me give you some quick perspective as well as a way to help you hold on to your weight loss. Let me be clear. When I say “weight loss,” I am referring to “unnecessary weight” which is typically excess fat.

    For every fat cell in your body, there is a unique set of membranes, capillaries, hormones, etc. that sustain this living piece of you. In other words, your chemistry is set to support your tissue you’re lugging around. Your body gradually adjusted itself to this amount of weight. It will need to gradually adjust to your new weight once achieved.

    It’s really not hard to drop pounds most of which is a fluid-based change at first. When you knock out carbs, especially the grains, you automatically lose some bloat (fluid retention). I’m not knocking carbs at all – we do need them. But when you diet, and perhaps exercise, to where you begin to utilize excess fat as a fuel and signal your body to rid itself of excess fat, excellent! Keep in mind, this can happen within a few weeks, but your chemistry will take months to adjust.

    This is one reason rapid fat loss plans usually fail (like I said “one,” – there are more of course). People drop 15-20 pounds really quick, get into their new clothes, go do their event, get a lot of compliments, then…suddenly, 5#, 10#, 15#!!! comes right back! That is because your body is sitting their with it’s old chemistry that is meant to support your “old” weight, and it hasn’t had time to adjust.

    I generally recommend giving your body 6 months to adjust. In other words, you really need to adopt good eating and activity habits in order to sustain your new weight for a good 6 months. We’ve had some success at 3. However, 6 works very well. The good news is that once you’ve achieved your target weight, the hard work is done!

    Sustaining your new weight is much easier than losing the weight you did in order to get there. But you need to really pay attention to your intake and output in order to not let the weight jump or creep back into those fat cells that haven’t gone away yet…they’re just sitting their waiting for you to mess up, sugar up, spike that insulin, and store some adipose in that cell – ahhhh. Your old self is happy. Your new self is not! My answer as to how to do this is at the link at the bottom of this page.

    Hope this helps your perspective and gives you a better way to set goals and hold on to your new self until the old one dissolves 🙂

    Here is my favorite way to not only lose weight but to permanently keep it off! Enjoy!
    Click Here to See if This is for You!

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