All posts by Wade Baskin

From Keto to Carnivore: My Carnivore Zero Carb 90 Day Experiment

Welcome to my carnivore zero carb 90 Day Experiment! I’m doing this to share my experience in order to learn as well as help you make a good decision for you. I’m interested in this approach due to it’s potential overall health benefits with fat loss being a nice “side effect.”

Week 1

So What is the Zero Carb or Carnivore Diet?

Vegan goes carnivore zero carb
Vegan goes carnivore zero carb

(courtesy of Dr. Shawn Baker @shawnbaker1967)

In short, it’s eliminating non-essential foods and only eating the known essential food since human history began – meat. Most of your questions will be answered as you scroll down. First, most people do this diet to fix a problem (not just weight loss). Problems that are chronic and not healing: arthritis, skin problems, neurological problems, chronic pain syndromes, auto-immune disorders, hormone and metabolic problems, as well as type 2 diabetes are being successfully resolved everyday! This is not hype. Is it for you? Test it to find out. Here is how I’m doing it:

90 Days:
1st 4 weeks: meats, eggs, real butter, coffee, occasional unsweet tea, sparkling water, water, occasional hard cheese
2nd 4 weeks: eliminate eggs and cheese
3rd 4 weeks: eliminate all except meats (grass-fed) and water only

The preferred meats are the fatty ones. Fat heals – more important, saturated fat heals. Hamburger, ribeyes, other steaks, chicken, bacon, pork, chicken, turkey, bison, venison, lamb and some fish (wild caught). Bone broth is also allowed.

Before I go further, if you would be interested in being a part of an Exclusive Keto, Carnivore, and Fasting Club where you would have access to novice level to advanced keto and fasting training, including LIVE, Q&A and training and support; Enter your name, email, an hit “Yes! Please Reserve My Spot.” We are in development right now! We will only be taking a select number for FREE. I love helping people succeed, and you will have access to me and other top keto, carnivore, and fasting pros.

[et_bloom_inline optin_id=optin_1]

What to do After 90 Days on the Carnivore Zero Carb Diet:

Start reintroducing foods you want to put back in your diet to test your reaction or sensitivity to it. For example, eggs first. Then coffee. If you want to reintroduce a vegetable, go for it. Also check how you feel if you use supermarket meet vs grass-fed. Some veteran carnivores get just as good results with supermarket meat and some prefer grass-fed.

I’ll be doing weekly videos on my carnivore zero carb experience and results. This is a 90 day experiment. For Day to Day reports follow me on snapchat username wadebaskin.

The word “carnivore” is interchangeable with “zero carb” for most people, but it’s not the same. You can do zero carb with certain vegetables, diet drinks, and other foods and non-foods.  Basically, when you go carnivore zero carb with your way of eating (woe), you are basically eating meat. Carnivore means your nutrition will come from animal-based sources. When doing so, many people experience variable results like this…

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Why Zero Carb AKA Carnivore?

The greatest common denominator in most chronic human disorders is the consumption of carbohydrates.

I’ve decided to simply eliminate what we already know as the problem in today’s modern ailments that plague so much of the population. It goes beyond obesity. I see the ravages of carbohydrate consumption daily in my practice where my patients present with auto-immune diseases, premature aging, skin disorders, metabolic disorders, digestive problems, inflammatory issues; and they’re all on so many medications to “manage” these problems. It’s as if pharmaceuticals are now the primary source of nutrition. This is simply not a sustainable healthy practice.

I looked to where people with these problems were not only getting results, but they were experiencing full remissions – they were cured! I found them. #ketotransformations. First I found ketogenic dieters using combinations of low carb/high fat dieting and intermittent fasting (IF) and getting rid of type 2 diabetes, PCOS, hypothyroid, certain cancers, rheumatoid arthritis, MS, and the list goes on. I engaged with these people to find that they had to find their answers on their own. Their medical providers were not “in the know” about dietary approaches that could help them. In fact, most were against ketogenic or LCHF dieting.

For those who were keto dieters and still had some remaining health issues or weight plateaus, I found they were having success when they shifted to a full zero carb approach and were basically eating meat only. How could this be?! Well, it was true. I found this huge subculture of some of the healthiest people including serious athletes, medical providers, and other very smart people (smarter than me!) thriving with the carnivore zero carb diet approach.

Great interview with noted professor who used carnivore to eliminate his depression and his daughter used to go into full remission on a serious autoimmune disorder. A must watch!

The hardcore keto community is suspect of eating too much meat as this high protein approach might kick them out of ketosis via gluconeogenesis. However, the science here is not supportive of this and results are highly individual. Most carnivores stay in ketosis. Gluconeogenesis happens more on demand vs supply. In other words, just because you eat  what you consider “too much protein” does not mean that the extra will convert to glucose and increase your blood sugar thus kick you out of ketosis. It’s just not happening enough to call this a law.

I will be tracking my ketone levels so stay tuned (I ran out of strips!..coming soon!)

And BEFORE Anybody Asks About Cholesterol Concerns…

(This is a massive study often used to prove that saturated fat and cholesterol cause cardiovascular disease when in fact the data show otherwise).

First of all, what you think you know about cholesterol is wrong (I’m 99.9% sure)…Unless you are educated on the actual studies starting in 1936 showing no correlation of high cholesterol with atherosclerosis or heart disease. Learn about cholesterol and fat here first, then ask me any questions you need…Watch the first 30 minutes to consider yourself qualified ;-). You will be “in the know.” This is factual reporting. This is not ideology or conspiracy mess. I have no time for that – only results based on facts we can use. Watching just the first 25 minutes of this will help you! Be sure to save it to watch the entire video:

FACT: There is no correlation or evidence that links high cholesterol to cardiovascular disease.

FACT: There were NO HEART ATTACKS recorded in early 1900’s when eggs, lard, animal fat, and butter (all saturated fats) were consistently consumed. The first heart attack was recorded in 1921 after the change made to use more vegetable oils vs animal fats.

FACT: “High Cholesterol” is not a bad thing. Small density LDL is the bad cholesterol and some clinics do not test for this. They do an LDL measurment (both large and small). Large “fluffy” LDL is actually very good! So the distinction must be made between the types of LDL. It’s called a particle test. In fact your HDL to triglyceride ratio is a good measure for heart health:

Triglyceride (TG) to high-density lipoprotein (HDL) ratio values >2.75 in men and >1.65 in women were found in the Metabolic Syndrome in Active Subjects (MESYAS) study -18,778 active workers enrolled in 3 insurance companies in Spain- to be highly predictive of the metabolic syndrome (MS) diagnosis. TG/HDL ratio was also found to have a high predictive value of a first coronary event regardless of body mass index (BMI). (From European Society of Cardiology)


WEEK 2 Carnivore ZC Experiment Results: (Uh oh…)

Adaptation or something else?…Watch the Video to see what happened..

1. I did NO EXERCISE this last 1.5 weeks.  I felt very good as if I wanted to exercise.

2. I cheated a few times: just 3 days – once with heavy whipping cream, once with a keto meringue dessert, and a few “bad drinks.”

Be sure to follow me on snapchat at wadebaskin and instagram at drwade_physio for my day to day reports and pics of my foods and mistakes!

What About Fiber on the Carnivore Diet?

This is not a mistake: the “Zero fibre diet” category below literally had zero (0) symptoms.
Here is the actual study for reference: Complete elimination of fruit, vegetables, cereals, and rice lead to these results.

fiber on the carnivore diet

In other words. The need for fiber is actually a myth. Early human history tells us this and updated studies without special interests or political influence do as well. In fact, our guts are not designed to handle fiber, and that’s why it gets eliminated fairly quickly. Moreover, there is a recommended limit to fiber intake for obvious reasons. Thousands of carnivore veterans at the time of this writing have only reported GI improvement after the adaptation period (1-3 weeks).

WEEK 4 (End) Carnivore Zero Carb Results:

See my instagram feed above and be sure to follow.

Carnivore zero carb ab results

Abs Update! On the way to cook the Ribeyes!

Week 7 Carnivore Zero Carb Results:

I am 50 years old BTW

WEEK 8! Carnivore Zero Carb Results

WEEK 9! Carnivore Zero Carb Results

Not mentioned in the video:

My waist size is smaller and I now where between a 29-30 pant. All my 31’s are way too loose. I was 30-31 while on keto. I’m definitely “leaner” as my daughter states.  Here is my latest waist shot.

My carnivore zero carb results

Comment and Ask Questions BELOW!

Carnivore diet results

I love watching Dr. Shawn Baker’s Instagram feed as he gets so many stories like this one. Be sure to follow him @shawnbaker1967

WEEK 12! Carnivore Zero Carb Results

My Instagram Feed…Click Follow Me at the Bottom!

What is This Keto and Fasting Thing

You’ve heard about it, you’re curious, you want to know if this is something you should do, and now you need more information. There are volumes written on this topic, so I’m giving you the best, most concise information you can use to make a good decision for you.

I’m not a “keto only” practitioner; however, I do like ketogenic dieting as a tool to achieve better health and a better body composition while allowing you to still enjoy some of the foods you love.

If you’re already doing a keto approach or you’re just starting, this will be a good refresher article that may give you additional information to improve your results.

What is the Keto Diet

It’s how I fixed my weight and health by practicing what I preach. Now I want to help you reach your goals! Below are my pics as I decided to make turning 50 my healthiest year ever. I’ve also committed to this lifestyle that you’re about to learn a lot about.


Before I go further, if you would be interested in being a part of an Exclusive Keto, Carnivore, and Fasting Club where you would have access to novice level to advanced keto and fasting training, including LIVE, Q&A and training and support; Enter your name, email, an hit “Yes I’m Interested.” We are in development right now! We will only be taking a select number for FREE. I love helping people succeed, and you will have access to me and other top keto, carnivore, and fasting pros.

[et_bloom_inline optin_id=optin_1]

Keto or ketogenic dieting is simply eating in a way that puts you in a state of ketosis. It’s really not a diet per se. It’s a way of eating ( #ketowoe ). Ketosis is when your body produces ketones (also known as ketone bodies) in response to burning fat as fuel.  These ketones are now being used as your source of energy. This means you’re no longer using carbs as a fuel source as much. Congratulations, you’re now a healthier you! Now does that mean you are burning your fat or the fat you’ve been eating? The magic is when you get your body to burn your own fat! Keep reading…

Why would you want to do this way of eating? Deplete your body of carbs? YES! Our genetics are not designed for constant bombardment from carbs that elevate our insulin and blood sugar levels. This is why we have so much diabetes (type 2), heart disease, obesity, cholesterol problems, and autoimmune diseases than ever in human history. Shifting your body more towards using fat as a fuel source is having it operate like our genetics are still designed to. Your fat burning engine may be a little rusty because you’ve been carb fueled probably most of your life! Interestingly, you’re born in ketosis and during your years as an active child, you were probably in and out of ketosis an you never knew it!

It’s really that simple, but it’s not necessarily easy. Why? Because you are addicted to carbs – and they are everywhere!. And, you’ve come to believe that fat is bad for you as it’s what makes you fat and unhealthy. You think that all you really need to do is eat less and move more to lose weight. Just push back from the table a bit – sound familiar?  You already think you know what to do but it’s just too hard to do it and your lifestyle doesn’t really make your weight loss or health improvement efforts convenient. You’ve also tried a lot of diets by now, and there is a 90% chance that you gained most of your weight back (if it was for weight loss).

Ketogenic dieting is not easy because it’s so hard to wrap your mind around it. The unlearning process is hard! All your beliefs have just been turned upside down!

What the Keto Diet is Not

Eating a ketogenic diet is not just eating a bunch of random meats and low quality fatty processed foods. I’ve seen so many people “convert to keto” only to continue to overeat low quality foods and a ton of dairy. Their Instagram feeds are colorless and filled with “keto treats” if you will.  Dairy, especially cheese and milk increase insulin so beware. Some do dairy better than others. Classic Keto eating is about high healthy fats FIRST, low low carb second, and moderate protein third in my opinion.  It’s about converting your body to using fat as a fuel versus carbs. This means lowering blood sugar and insulin. As you’ll see below, insulin is our friend and our enemy depending on how you eat. The way I like to use ketogenic dieting is in a way the encourages ketosis through metabolizing your body’s excess fat reserves! That fat on you is FOOD! Good job, you’ve stored all you need for times of famine.

The benefits of ketosis are not just about fat loss. The keto diet is about achieving a healthier you

Overcoming fixed beliefs and ideas: here are some hard truths, be prepared:

  1. know that you’ve been lied to for a long time. Low fat low calorie dieting with exercise does not work and never has. Since the good studies started in the 50’s, there has not been one ounce of evidence that this form of dieting works to help people manage or lose weight and keep it off – much less achieve improved health. Just go look at all the Biggest Loser participants. 99% of them regained their weight!
  2. Fat is better for you than carbs. Good fats from healthy sources is much better for you than carbs. People who eat a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet are healthier than those who don’t – period. There is no argument here. Carbs are not essential to human health.
  3. Exercise does not work to burn fat and keep it off. Exercise is good for building muscle and getting stronger – improves fitness and more, but it is not proven effective in permanent fat loss as compared to diet and fasting.
  4. Diet is the only proven way to burn fat and keep it off, and fasting methods are the most successful. You can’t out exercise a bad diet.
  5. Fasting is good for you and the fastest way to get your body burning it’s own fat without losing muscle. Yes going totally without food is the oldest, tried and true health restoration and diet method since the history of mankind. Fasting is not new, it has just been somewhat forgotten and it has been vilified by the food industry. In fact, we eat more now than ever with all the recommended 3 meals with snacks in between. In the 70’s and prior, no one was snacking. Most people fast wrong! You’ll learn more on this below.
  6. You do not lose muscle or have nutrient deficiencies when fasting (for those who are prepared to fast – more later)
  7. Fasting is not starving yourself. Your body reacts in super beneficial ways that improves your health and longevity. It’s not how much good stuff you eat, it’s when you don’t eat that counts – think about that. Starving is when you eat too frequently and a small calorie load, and it tricks your body with more hunger, misery, and muscle loss! Fasting will not allow for muscle loss due to the hormones released during true fasting.
  8. Low calorie dieting is more bad for you than good.
  9. Ketogenic dieting helps cure type 2 diabetes, obesity, autoimmune disorders, neurological disorders, and some cancers.

Let’s Talk Fasting (how to fast is below, keep reading…)

Fasting is complete abstinence from food. This is not low calorie starvation. There is a huge difference between eating low calories and fasting. The main difference is in the hormonal responses.

When you fast, metabolism stabilizes or actually increases, adrenaline increases, growth hormone increases, blood sugar decreases, and insulin goes down. There’s more but these are the main changes that will make sense to you.

When you eat a low calorie diet, your metabolism decreases, adrenaline decreases, there is no growth hormone elevation, blood sugar and insulin don’t really go down. And let’s be clear, insulin is what makes you fat. Blood sugar signals insulin.

Eating low carb now does decrease insulin up to 50%. However, fasting decreases it another 50%!

Source: Harvie et al., “The Effects of Intermittent or Continuous Energy Restriction on Weight Loss and Metabolic Disease Risk Markers: A Randomized Trial in Young Overweight Women.”

Fung, Jason; Moore, Jimmy. The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended (p. 117). Victory Belt Publishing. Kindle Edition.

I highly recommend this book! It should be required reading for all health professionals, but unfortunately it’s not. It’s up to you to learn more and take the best actions possible to reach your health goals. I know this will help you as it has thousands!…Including ME!

Ok, so I just told you that fat is good, fasting is good, exercise won’t burn fat as much as diet, and that eating fewer calories doesn’t work. Your head is probably spinning if you’re still stuck in all the beliefs instilled in you by our beloved government and food industry…eat less and move more. Oh, and let’s not forget the recommended 6-11 servings of grain! How insane!

This is why obesity rates in the ’80s doubled and why we are now seeing more autoimmune disorders than ever before in human history! It’s our diet, folks – plane and simple. Yes, food is legal, but your choices of eating are expressed in your physical body. If you have physical health issues and are taking medications constantly, i.e. Metformin, Methotrexate, Zeljanz, Celebrex, Mobic, Neurontin, Lyrica, and more; you don’t have a medication deficiency, you have a problem where you are physically breaking down in the absence of what’s needed to express the “good genes.” Your body is obviously showing the bad ones being triggered or expressed.

If you are overweight, your intake of food is simply such that the extra energy it can’t use is being stored as fat. Read on, because just reducing your calories doesn’t work, and I’ll explain why.

It’s Not Your Fault

You are genetically designed to eat everything in sight. We are designed to survive scarcity/famine. Our genetics are much the same as our ancestors the hunter gatherers. They would experience periods of feast with a food catch and find as well as famine. About 10,000 years ago, agriculture started and we began to settle. We figured out how to harvest and prepare grains for storage and consumption and the diseases started. If you really look at how a grain is designed, it is a mean piece of food with armor designed to keep it alive amidst a rugged environment and to damage any digestive tract that tries to break it down. Your body can handle a lot, and it can handle grains but over time, this food group will cause you some problems, hence the rise in so many gut issues in the last 2 decades. It’s ridiculous that we’re just now figuring this out! Get this book to get the full story on grains and how they truly affect you:

I don’t believe it’s a conspiracy to keep you fat or to destroy your health, I believe it’s a supply and demand problem. We love and want our carbs (breads, pastas, grains, cereals, rice, potatoes and sugar!) Sugar is a drug and lights up the brain in the same amount and in the same area as cocaine, so yes, carbs (convert to sugar) are addictive. Although your body and brain actually prefer ketones over carbs, the sweetness of the carbs is too much to let go of I know. We are a society of true drug/food addicts. I really mean this. Don’t believe me? Just stop eating carbs right now and see how long you last. Most know the symptoms as the carb flu, but you will be miserable as your body goes into misery driving you to eat carbs again.

So now that your head is really spinning, I know you still want to know how all this works. How are all these people curing their obesity (dropping serious poundage!), curing type 2 diabetes, curing their digestive issues, curing their pcos, getting rid of their neuropathy, stabilizing their arthritis, and more! You’ve heard enough, and now you’re wanting in on the game but you don’t know where to start. I’ll keep it simple. as possible.

How to Go Keto

1. Plug into keto communities. I love my Instagram keto family. Find me at keto_drwade (BELOW). Start an Instagram account with your name and “keto” attached to it. If you don’t want to do a “keto” instagram account and just use one you already have, that’s cool, just hashtag keto in your posts. You’ll want to post pics of your food, your experience, yourself before/after  and such. Look around at others, you’ll see. It’s a super supportive group.

You can also like keto pages on Facebook, join keto groups on Facebook, and start your own page.

The point is you’ll need to be around other keto people to learn from and garner support. You’re more than likely in a situation where there aren’t many ketogenic dieters. In fact, once you let them know what you’re doing, be prepared for the eye rolls and discouraging remarks. Remember, they believe fasting is starvation and eating fat is bad for you. Don’t try to educate them! It doesn’t work. Smile and know that they care about you, and carry on.

2. Only get opinions and advice from successful keto dieters and keto professionals. Do not accept advice from so called experts who’ve never had any success with ketogenic dieting. Your physician is not trained in diet and nutrition much less ketogenic dieting.

3. Accept responsibility for your results and your mistakes. You will fail, you will make mistakes, and you will succeed. This is a lifestyle shift, a real change you are making, and it’s a journey you’ll love. It’s NOT A DIET – KETO IS A WAY OF EATING.

For those who want to see rapid results and find a way to wean into this change, Get my 21 Days On 15 Pounds OFF  Diet for FREE. This is how I got started.

In this kickstart diet, I give you a convenient list of the YES and NO Foods which is really the important part. There will be 2 days a week that you do something that really brings out the results, the magic, for you in this diet. You will feel amazing toward the end.

Using this method to start then weaning into a ketogenic way of eating, I went from 49 years old, just over 190 pounds (I’m 5’7), over 33% body fat, a 37″ abdominal girth (this is lethal!), and wearing a size 33″


50 years old, 165 pounds, 21% body fat, and a size 30 pant. Didn’t do my girth measurement, but I have abs now ha! I knew they were in there somewhere!

4. Eliminate grain foods, starchy carbs, any flour products, and legumes (beans) – this is a must. It’s a good way to start. This act in and of itself will start allowing your gut to heal and improve. And your gut generally sets the tone for your overall health and immunity. I LOVE bread, but it wasn’t as hard to go without as I thought. I’ll still eat it at times, but not on a regular basis. Grains cause problems, and they are not required by your body at all. White potatoes are not only a starchy carb, but they are a nightshade and can possibly be causing inflammation. Rice is also killer carb. The longer you go without, the less your body (and mind) will want them. Cravings do go away!

Remember, this isn’t really a diet. It’s a way of eating with where you make better choices of foods that will help you lose weight and express the healthiest you! It’s a process and a journey. It’s not a one and done approach. So be patient as you get into it.

You won’t be perfect at ketogenic eating at first, but the more you eat this way versus your old way, the healthier and lighter you will get!

5. Eat healthy fats, proteins, and veggies! Just go look at my Instagram feed and others in the #keto community. You’ll see so many food choices your head will spin. The first comment I usually get is – “…so I cant eat anything I like?!” Yes, you can! Who doesn’t like bacon? What about eggs? Steak, (grass fed meat) , avocado, butter (real butter – preferably grass fed like Kerrygold Butter or ghee), spinach, asparagus, zucchini, squash, chicken (obviously not fried), nuts of all sorts, peanut butter, and so much more!

6. Dairy is included but be cautious: you’ll see all sorts of meat/cheese recipes and although these are low carb (low glycemic), dairy (milk and cheese primarily – not eggs) can increase insulin, and increased insulin is what leads to fat storage. If you find that you aren’t losing much weight or you hit a plateau, consider eliminating dairy. If you have sinus problems or other allergies, this is always a culprit to consider. You’ll still be able to include dairy at times just not on an everyday basis. Now if you’re lactose intolerant or already know you have a dairy issue, then you’ll eliminate dairy for obvious reasons.

7. Watch your macros (this means fats, proteins, and carbs). You don’t have to count calories, but it’s good to monitor your portion sizes and ingredients. Really make sure your carbs stay low in the range of 20-60 grams a day. More than 60 and you’re not doing much to help yourself. You want to shoot for 70% fat, 20% protein, and 10% carbohydrate. Sometimes it’s hard to get that much healthy fat, so a 50% fat, 30-40% protein, 10-20% carb also works. I’ve had some do higher protein than fat (modified Atkin’s approach) and also do well. The key again is to keep the carbs low and eat more healthy fat, good protein, and plenty of veggies. Keto dieters rarely get hungry.

It will take some experimentation as everybody’s system assimilates food differently. I’ve seen keto people over-eat many times. Food is energy, and if you take in more energy than your body requires, the remainder is stored as fat. Carbs just convert faster and easier – so leave them out.

8. Monitor your level of ketosis: you DON’T have to be in ketosis to lose weight although it does confirm you are in the best physical state to do so. Just eliminating most of your carbs will help you drop pounds, especially in the beginning. Ketosis is necessary to help your body heal itself when working on type 2 diabetes, digestive tract problems, inflammation, autoimmune disorders, neurological disorders. In ketosis, you have more clarity, more energy, more focus, and you operate at your best.

How to monitor? Get a blood testing kit. The urine strips are not accurate. Here are the ones I use personally and professionally:

These are the best prices on Amazon going right now. And these are tested personally by me. Other meters are ok, but Abbott Precision Xtra is the best, most reliable, accurate unit. You need the meter and the ketone strips for sure. I like tracking blood sugar as well, and that’s the 3rd item. Each pic will take you to for purchase.

You don’t have to monitor your ketone levels, but it sure does help. The people who do monitor their levels have the most success.

That which can be measured can be managed

Here is a reading I did coming off of a 48 hour fast:

Now that’s a “therapeutic” level of ketosis for sure. Some call it deep ketosis. Do I need to keep this level for fat loss? No. My blood sugar is nice and on the low side. Ketosis is a great state to be in where you ARE burning fat! You’re either using fat you’ve ingested, or your own fat reserves. Fasting makes sure you are hitting the reserves!

The above reading was taken the day before Thanksgiving as you can see. I broke my fast with chili of all things (yep, beans included), and the next day I did not hold back other than abstaining from grains. Yep, no dressing. But I ate sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole (some cracker crumbles did make it so a little enriched flour got through) potatoes au gratin, turkey, and gravy. Plenty of carbs! I did not count of course and I ate till well satisfied.

Here is what happened after an 18 hr fast starting 8pm Thanksgiving day:

Not bad considering what I ate yesterday! Most people take a few days to get back into ketosis.

**TIP** I did a 30 minute strength workout (at the end of my
fast)prior to Thanksgiving lunch.When you know you are going
to take in carbs, try to time it where you do a workout
first. Doing a workout in a fasted state prior to feeding is
a super shredding strategy.If you don't exercise,that's ok,
this is just a tip. And it works as noted.

How to Fast

1. There are 2 types of fasting: dry fasting and water or liquid fasting.

Dry fasting is no food and no water, and it is not for the typical novice. It is used for healing and is amazing at helping just about anything heal! More later on this as dry fasting is not necessary for ultimate fat loss.

Water or liquid fasting is when you take in NO food and just drink water or another liquid like an electrolyte solution. DO NOT just drink water! This is where most people make their mistake as it pushes your electrolytes! You will not feel good and you can “bottom out.” This is prevented easily by drinking a simple solution make with 2 essential salts you need: sodium and potassium.

Electrolyte Solution YOU NEED for Fasting!

Here is exactly what I use that I get from Amazon. Click on each one to take you there, or you can use arm and hammer baking soda, any good sea salt, and NoSalt substitute you can get at any grocery store (it’s potassium chloride). These links are for your convenience.

Dont’ just drink water on a prolonged fast which is 2 days (48 hours) or more! Use one of these electrolyte solutions! If you are eating one meal a day or doing just a 24 hour fast, you don’t need electrolyte solution. Water is fine.

Option 1 (most popular and good for kidneys) : 1 qt or liter of water (fresh, spring water preferred), 1 tsp of baking soda, 1/2 tsp potassium chloride powder (also known as NoSalt you can buy at WalMart, it’s the “salt free substitute).

Option 2 (simplest and it works great) : 1 qt or liter of water, 1/2 tsp potassium chloride (or NoSalt), 1/2 tsp a good sea salt

Option 3 (combo) : 1 qt or liter of water, 1/2 tsp potassium chloride, 1/4 tsp sea salt, 1/2 tsp baking soda

Sip it all during the day as needed to keep you feeling good. If you get any cramps, simply drink more of it. These formulas can be adjusted. Some folks want to add magnesium or other substances, and my recommendation is to stick to what we know works. However, you can add anything you want to test your response once you do the formulas as listed above.

How to Get Past Keto Confusion and Overcome a Stall (BONUS!)

Join My Fasting Focused Lifestyle Facebook Group HERE

Here are some keto diet staples:

1. Bulletproof coffee. Simply add grass fed butter, real butter, or ghee (tbsp) and MCT oil (1 tbsp) to your coffee, and you’re good to go! Yes, butter in coffee is liked by most. blend it up for a mocha color and feel. Some don’t like it, but it’s rare. It’s more of a meal replacement. You can also add some sugar-free sweetener (I recommend allulose! – you’ve probably never heard of this and that’s ok, most haven’t)…Learn about it here! (opens in new tab). Stevia is my next preference. All the other sweeteners aren’t good at all!

2. MCT Oil: This promotes the production of ketones and is used for energy and not stored as fat. Get the emulsified version as you can cook with it. You can’t cook with regular MCT Oil. Below is the one I use:

3. Avocado – just keep a good supply going.

4. Ghee and or grass fed butter – cook with it and add it to your foods to increase the healthy fat

5. Coconut oil – cook with it and add it to foods to increase the healthy fat.

6. Grassfed meats – steak, chicken, burger, and bacon are the main ones. You don’t have to do grass-fed on in terms of macros, but on the micro level, grassfed meat is really good for compared to industrial prepared or processed meat. Stressed out animal meat is inflammatory due to it’s omega 6 levels. Grassfed is actually anti-inflammatory! I occasionally have to make a quick run to the store and grab whatever they have, but 95% of the time, my family eats grass-fed or pastured (free-range) meats.

7. Fresh or frozen veggies of all sorts! I keep broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, asparagus, onion, zucchini, squash non-stop. I toss in others along the way. Depends on what looks good and what’s available. Frozen will last longer and has higher nutrient density! Avoid canned if possible. I will use canned asparagus and spinach in a pinch.

8. Eggs are AWESOME! Unless you are allergic to eggs – they are good for you. They don’t cause problems with cholesterol as myth would have it. Eggs are excellent protein and fat sources. Of course, I recommend cage-free vs the stressed-out chicken eggs for obvious nutritional reasons.

9. Cheese: I always shoot for the raw cheeses made by US Wellness Meats.  In fact, this is where I get ALL of my meats and cheeses. You need to click that link and bookmark it! Keep in mind, real cheese (not processed) is acceptable, but should be done with caution. Not everyone does dairy well, and it can stall weight loss in many cases – not all. I say start with it and remove it if you aren’t getting results.

10. Unsweetened regular or vanilla almond milk – you can do so much with this

11. Nuts – especially raw almonds. Be careful here as nuts are the number 1 food that can throw your macros off. A small amount pack a big calorie punch. A handful is generally plenty.

** Spices are wide open, but you’ll definitely want to take advantage of the benefits of Himalayan pink salt and turmeric. I keep these, Tony’s creole spice, and several dry rubs/spices for cooking chicken and steak. Don’t use a soy based marinade.  Soy is NOT good to consume! It’s great for making industrial products, but that’s it.

Of course, there is so much more, but this is plenty to get you started! I hope this helps. Be sure to subscribe, bookmark me, as I will be posting more. Follow me at keto_drwade on Instagram and if you dare follow me on snapchat, username wadebaskin.

Yours in health,

Dr. Wade



What is the Secret?

If I had to tell you in one sentence, or command, what to do in order to not only lose weight but to achieve the healthiest you, it would be…

Eat real food emphasizing animal fat and protein and use a fasting strategy

Be sure to visit me HERE to see what additional results I achieved by fully eliminating carbs!…The Carnivore Diet!




Why You Can’t Lose Weight

The Mystery on Why You Can’t Lose Weight Revealed!

I love this topic on why you can’t lose weight! So you’ve tried a lot of different diets, and you may have even ventured into the detoxes and cleanses that are being sold to you as the answer to your problem.

Oh, let’s not forget your metabolic disorder you’ve probably thought about or even been diagnosed with – let’s just go with hypothyroid for now.

And I will certainly not leave out the genetic aspect. I’m sure you’ve probably considered the fact that being overweight runs in your family and that the “big bones” you’ve been blessed with are the reason why you can’t lose weight.

I could go on and on, but you need to know that the answer boils down to an equation that is super simple (not necessarily easy) to grasp. You also need to understand that everyone’s body is different, but this equation (law) still applies.

It’s call the energy balance equation:

energy in energy out

When you take in more energy (calories) than you utilize in your daily life, you will gain weight. Your body will store the excess energy you have given it as fat. It is your body’s natural survival mechanism.

It’s Not Your Fault

You’re actually genetically designed to eat everything in sight! Our genetics are essentially the same as our ancestors who were hunter gatherers and experienced episodes of feast and famine. Our bodies are designed to operate without the carbs we put in them so frequently now as they are so readily available. Although not your fault that our environment has evolved faster than our bodies…

It is up to you to take control, and that’s the hard part

Carbs are our main source of energy, but our bodies actually prefer ketones.

Ketones are produced when our body has shifted to using fat as a fuel source in the absence of carbohydrates. Some people have figured this out and now do what’s called ketogenic dieting – this keeps you in ketosis by using fats as fuel, not carbs. Although ketogenic dieting has become a popular way to lose weight, it’s actually a very old approach to simply restoring health. How? It’s basically resetting and returning your body to the way it’s supposed to operate and exist. In a state of slight to moderate ketosis – meaning you now operate without carbs (sugar) as your primary fuel source! It’s hard to develop disease and illness when in this optimum state of ketosis. In fact, the low carb or ketogenic diet is now being used to treat many types of cancers, neurological diseases and other autoimmune disorders.

This makes sense in that you are simply removing the primary substance that feeds tumors and causes inflammation – carbohydrate (foods that convert to sugar). Grains are the number 1 trouble maker in causing weight gain, preventing weight loss, and causing inflammation.

I’ve always said:

There is no such thing as a minimum grain requirement

This includes even whole grains. If you think grains are a healthy part of your diet, then you’ve been duped – and probably by the government! Check out the old food pyramid that said we needed 6-11 servings of GRAIN! This is when obesity rates doubled!

old food pyramid

Grains can be consumed on a limited and safe basis for some people, but they’re not needed. Again – YOU DO NOT NEED GRAINS. Now if you’re on the brink of death due to starvation, grains such as crackers, bread, pasta or cereal (or anything for that matter) will save your life. But, to consistently put grains in your body will eventually cause problems related to digestion, blood sugar, insulin or autoimmune/inflammation issues, obesity, glycation, and the list goes on.

You’ve been warned. Why grains are not a good food source is a topic for another day, but just know that just about any food that you have to process in order to be able to eat it is probably not your body’s most preferred fuel source. Grain has to be harvested and ground and worked on a good bit in order to prepare it for consumption. You can’t just go in the field, grab some then eat it or cook it and eat it. For a comprehensive look at how grains affect you, get the book Grain Brain!

making biscuits

I pick on grains a good bit, because it’s the #1 food source that makes it so hard to drop pounds or to get rid of inflammation. We’re addicted! Want proof? Stop eating all grains and carbs right now. By day 2 you will want to kick me in my shins as you start experiencing what some affectionately call the carb flu. It’s basically the same experience you would have if you were to experience drug detox.

sugar addict

Sugar is just as addictive as cocaine, and that becomes evident when we try and remove it from our diet. Grains/carbs convert to sugar.

brain on sugar

Now it’s not easy to return to eating like a normal human for a variety of reasons including physical and social.  Physically, you can feel really bad when just getting started (carb flu) and socially, you can be teased “oh, c’mon, my mother made these for you! It’s not going to kill you!” And they are right, it’s not going to kill you now – it will debilitate you and break you down slowly over time as you develop all sorts of ailments that you will be given drugs for that will cause additional problems. The road only goes 1 way and that’s not toward health and vitality. Moreover, when you go to the store, the most convenient foods for you and your family are grain-based! It’s tough I know! But it can be done.

Do Calories Count?

I don’t count calories, and I don’t recommend people count calories with the intent of calculating how much exercise they need to do to “burn them off.” That is 1970’s bad math that never – never – never worked! Yet there are those that still preach this method! Our bodies are not simple combustion engines or furnaces where accurate calculations on intake and output can be made and predicted. Why? … Hormones and all the various ways they affect you. Grehlin, leptin, insulin, thyroid hormones (T3 and T4 especially), glucagon and more all interact in a way that varies based on genetics and diet. This is partly why your friend can lose weight eating carbs and you can’t (or vice versa).

Although there is no magical formula, calories do count in that if you take in more calories than you expend for your living requirements, then you will store the left over calories as fat – this is keeping it simple.

It’s good to have a grasp on calories or at least grams of the different food types (called macronutrients or macros): carbohydrate, protein, and fat. Alcohol is also included as a source of energy (7 cal/gram). If you are visual and not very analytical (like me), you need to master portion size so you can determine the basic % of where your calories are coming from (I teach this in my 21 Day Diet)…

Where You Get Your Calories From Makes a Huge Difference

So lets say that you’ve figured out that you can get away with eating about 2500 calories a day and not gain or lose weight. You are eating a pretty basic diet of proteins, carbs, and fats. You also toss in a little alcohol (the 4th macronutrient) here and there. You found that your macros come out to around 40% carbohydrate, 30% protein, and 29% fat and 1% alcohol.

If you were to keep that same calorie count but switch your macros to 70% carbohydrate, 20% protein and 10% fat; I guarantee that you would not only gain weight but start to develop problems associated with excessive carbohydrate intake. This is where type 2 Diabetes comes from along with obesity, hypertension, early ageing, etc.

Now for your keto dieters, where you make your mistake when you are either not losing or you or actually gaining weight – it’s simply too much intake. You’re eating too much. Even though you are “low carb,” your macros, however you have them portioned, are meeting or exceeding your energy needs.

It’s all about the Energy Balance Equation. There is no mystery to your inability to lose weight, it’s simply that your energy intake exceeds your energy output.

Bat wings, saddle bags, flab, inner thigh fat, and all those problem areas that so many people deal with simply go away with proper eating first, then exercise second.

Exercise is not an efficient way to lose weight or fat

Yes, I am a doctor of physical therapy, and I just said that! You can’t out exercise a bad diet. In fact trying to cardio your fat off can drop your metabolism leading to further frustration with your lack of results (or temporary). If you are on a ketogenic diet and not losing weight, your macros are exceeding your output. Simple as that. And there is no such thing as muscle tone. You either have muscle that is exposed or you have it covered up. Now there are strong muscle and there are weak ones, and the stronger your muscles are, the more mitochondria they have, the higher their energy demands – the more of a fat burning metabolism you will have. So, exercise is great as a lifestyle and as a long term health, fitness, and fat management strategy.

I actually have most of my fat loss clients diet their fat off first. When you feel better, you will want to move more and exercise then becomes a great addition to the health equation. Exercise is absolutely essential to improve fitness! In dieting, you need to implement fasting strategies, whether intermittent or extended (multi-day). More on this in the next article. Just know for now that fasting is the most effective fat loss program for permanent fat loss and health restoration. It’s amazing what fasting can achieve for you!

Keeping it Simple

I’ve kept this very basic and simple as I believe we’ve tried to complicate things too much. It’s simply a matter of you figuring out your metabolic demands and eating to fuel your body for what it needs.

If you want to lose weight, you need to create and energy deficit – period!

There is no way around it. Now if you want to do it safely, without misery, and relatively fast, be sure to check out my 21 Day Diet called 21 Days ON 15 Pounds OFF. This puts you in control while resetting your system, getting rid of the bad stuff and putting in a lot of good. You’ll also lose wrinkles, heal your gut, and get your joints feeling good.

To take 30 days and figure out what you can and can’t eat, I recommend the book, Wired to Eat by Robb Wolf. Carbs are the enemy, but you can still eat them safely once you figure out the good vs the bad specifically for you!

Before I conclude, let’s bust a few myths:

Eating Red Meat is bad for you: FALSE. Industrial processed and farmed meats are bad for you! They are inflammatory because of their omega 6:3 ratio – these are not fit, healthy, or happy animals, and you are what you eat right? Choose grass-fed and pastured meats and wild caught fish. Grass-fed beef is one of my secrets to losing belly fat and fast! I get all my meats HERE!

You have to be a vegetarian to be healthy: FALSE. There are a lot of sick, overweight, unhealthy vegetarians out there, but you won’t know that as they are the loudest proponents of what they do! It’s a lifestyle choice not a healthy human choice. We are designed to eat both animals and plants. Nowhere in early human history did our ancestors live as vegetarians on purpose. The vegan group of vegetarians chose not to eat any animal-based foods at all. They really have to work to stay healthy. It’s possible to be a healthy vegetarian or vegan, but it takes a lot of effort.

Fat makes you fat: FALSE! Sugar/carbs make you fat, and overeating makes your fat. Ketogenic dieters will eat up to 90% of their diets as fat and they are healthy, lose weight, and have tons of energy. Most ketogenic dieters keep it around 70% fat, 20% protein and 10% carbs.

Whole grains are good for you: FALSE. Remember, you don’t need grains. However, your body will like whole grains or live grains (Ezekiel bread) better than refined grains as far as the effect on blood sugar. Refined grains spike blood sugar more than plane sugar does! There are those who are truly gluten sensitive and should refrain from all grains. I refer you back to the book, GRAIN BRAIN to get all the details on what grains really do to you.

You can’t get fat eating healthy foods: FALSE. Yes you can! If you exceed your bodies calorie requirements, then you will store the remaining energy as fat. Chances of you getting fat eating healthier food choices are less as you will experience less cravings. I’ve personally gained weight on a ketogenic diet! I was eating too much protein. The most common food in a recent Instagram survey I did sited nuts as the food that threw their macros off and stalled their progress or caused weight gain.


1. You CAN lose as much weight as you need! The laws of physics, nature, biology and the universe do apply to you! You are from earth – I promise. It’s just a matter of dialing in the right nutrition and dialing out what’s holding you back. If you are stuck, you need to do something different like my 21 Day Diet. Don’t keep doing the same thing expecting a different result (the definition of insanity!)

2. Ketosis is a super human state to exist in. It’s simple but not easy (at first.). It’s a great state to put your  body in to allow it to correct chronic ailments such as hormone problems, type 2 diabetes, autoimmune issues, chronic inflammation, neurological problems, and yes…obesity. Your body can do amazing things when put in the proper state to do so. A fasted state of ketosis is your body’s superhuman state. Fasting is not starving (more on this later) and ketosis is not ketoacidosis (a life threatening disorder).

3. Energy deficits allow for better weight loss. Without an energy deficit, there will be no weight or fat loss. During feeding times, your food quality should be on the “real food” end of things. Don’t try and trick your body with artificial mess. It doesn’t work. Keep your fat and protein levels high and your carb levels very low. If you eat carbs, do it right after strenuous activity or exercise. Try to simply leave grains forever – they are not needed nor are they really designed for consumption.

4. Continue to educate yourself as there are no formally educated professionals with doctorates in what really works. Our doctorates simply show that we have the ability to learn and practice at the highest levels. It doesn’t speak to our effectiveness and skill set in the world of nutrition and health. It’s up to you. Listen and get advice and consult from only those who are proven experts with results in the area you are looking to improve – weather ketogenic dieting and weight loss or fasting and fixing type 2 diabetes. Your physician most likely still thinks you simply should move more and eat less – that was proven ineffective starting back in the 50’s by the way.

I wish you happiness and health! Please comment below!


My Daughter Weds

My First Born, Anna Katharine Marries Jackson Forster

Watch this beautiful highlight video to see the culmination of a year of planning and 7 years of dating. I love that Anna Katharine and Jackson are high school sweethearts! Looks like our first born is following in mom and dad’s footsteps 🙂

Be sure to click full screen and unmute the sound. You are sure to love this video. It was a perfect day.

Special thanks to Tommy Kilpatrick for his fine work on this video.


Let’s Get Clear on Collagen

What Type of Collagen Should I Use?

Read this entire article, but know that all you need is 1 type of collagen then add the others based on your needs and wants. If you just stick to 1 type and you’re consistent with its use, you will experience very good results!

There are several different types of collagen, so lets cut to the chase, keep it simple, and show you what to use to get the best results possible. Collagen is one of the primary ingredients missing from our diets, and we now have more joint problems and pain conditions than ever. Putting collagen back in helps joints, digestion (heals leaky gut), skin, hair, and nails. Collagen is also helpful with inflammation. It can be used in a weight loss program as well (see my 21 Days ON 15 Pounds OFF Diet). You will look younger and feel better with collagen back in your diet. Your genetics will love you for doing this.

WebMD even praises collagen it saying it’s:

“used for for weight loss and for treating osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and brittle bones (osteoporosis). Some people also use it for strengthening bones, joints and fingernails. Gelatin is also used for improving hair quality and to shorten recovery after exercise and sports-related injury.” (source)

Getting Clear on Collagen

  1. Top Recommendation is Collagen Peptides. We only recommend vital proteins as they have the cleanest, and generate the best results. Dr. Wade was using another version for several months, switched to the Vital Proteins version and gained 20 degrees of motion in his knee recovering from an ACL reconstruction. It had plateaued in it range, so he was pleasantly surprised. Further research found that these peptides simply outperform the others at the time of this article.
    1. Take Collagen Peptides 2 times a day when you need assistance in healing or recovery from injury – they can be mixed in anything – food or drink. They are tasteless and dissolve easily.
    2. Take Collagen Peptides 1 time a day when you have achieved your goals regarding how your joints feel, how your skin looks, and how you move (especially in the mornings).

vital proteins collagen

You need to know this:

The amino acids in collagen, gylcine and proline, repair tissue, lessen inflammation and provide relief from joint pain, similar to taking cortisone or ibuprofen. The glycine also speeds wound healing, helps stiff joints and promotes recovery. Another more recent study assessed the efficiency of collagen peptides in a randomized, double blind, controlled multicenter trial, in which 250 subjects with primary osteoarthritis of the knee were given 10g of collagen peptides daily. The results showed a significant improvement in knee joint comfort, and again subjects with the greatest joint deterioration benefited most. (source)

Several studies also show that supplementing with collagen builds bone density. Collagen peptides stimulate osteoblasts, which are the cells responsible for bone formation. (source)

Anti-Aging Benefits:

Some doctors refer to collagen as the new anti-aging product of the century and I have to agree! It ensures cohesion, elasticity, and regeneration of the skin. Collagen is primarily composed of the amino acids glycine, proline, alanine and hydroxyproline. These particular amino acids are shown to reduce the signs of aging. Clinical research has shown that Vital Protein’s Collagen promotes younger looking skin, improves skin moisture level, improves skin smoothness, improves the signs of deep wrinkles and improves skin suppleness. Collagen Peptides are also being considered as a supplement to recommend to combat cancer and cardiovascular disease(source)

2. Bone Broth Collagen is my 2nd recommendation for when you have a significant joint or connective tissue problem you want to help heal. Mix this in a warm drink like coffee, mix with a soup, or other hot, moist food. Some mix it in hot tea. It does have a slight “bullion” aroma, and it has a very light taste you can sense in water, but not in other drinks or foods. It’s not like the peptides that can mix with anything. You can blend it in a smoothy though. I recommend caution with bone broth collagen if you have GERD or an ulcer. This version of collagen is very strong, but it is tougher to digest. Peptides digest very easy. Bone broth collagen is derived from bones vs hide (like peptides), so it has naturally occuring chondroitin and hyaluronic acid which give it that extra edge in helping joint problems.

  1. Take bone broth collagen at separate times in the day 1-2 times a day – don’t mix it with your collagen peptides. Take See MY PERSONAL COLLAGEN REGIMEN – at the bottom of this article.
  2. I recommend this bone broth collagen as an addition to the peptides. Peptides will be your mainstay. Add bone broth collagen in when you want a full compliment of collagen to help you address a joint or skin problem.
  3. Once your health goals have been reached, most stay on the peptides and use bone broth collagen occasionally.
  4. This collagen is perfect to decrease blood sugar after a sugary or high carb meal. Mix it in a post meal drink like coffee or the last bit of what’s left of any warm food. Nice weight management trick that works well.

beef bone broth collagen

3. Use the Cartilage collagen pills if you have a joint problem and you don’t have the wherewithal to deal with mixing the bone broth collagen. This is a type 2 collagen that also has chondroitin like the bone broth collagen although from a different source. It’s more specific for joint problems.


4. Collagen Cooler Drinks! These are awesome drinks with a bone broth collagen mixed in. They are typically used as a collagen snack and also as a food during the mini-fasts used in the 21 Days ON 15 Pounds OFF Diet. Perfect to keep around for snacks. Can be used to make smoothies.


slim collagen cooer


Collagen peptides are hydrolyzed meaning cooked all the way down to their essential components. This is the most readily available version and the most versatile. It’s made from bovine hide typically.

Bone Broth Collagen is classified the same as gelatin. It’s a larger molecule not as easily digested but has the type 2 collagen specific to cartilage and hyaluronic acid also good for joints and skin. It’s made from bones. Its not as versatile but has more nutrition.

Collagen is one of the few supplements I believe everyone should add to their diet. From more youthful looking skin to reducing inflammation and healing your gut, collagen is a true nutritional powerhouse.

Don’t overthink it. Just get collagen in your diet consistently. Go with the collagen peptides first and foremost. Add the others depending on your need. It’s good to get in 2 servings a day. 1 if you’ve met your goals and your on a budget. I get 2 a day as I feel my best when I do. I’m still using a combined peptides/bone broth collagen approach to finalize my knee recovery.

Does Allulose Kick You Out of Ketosis

Live Blood Test on Allulose and It’s Effect on Blood Sugar and Ketones

You want to know if allulose kicks or takes you out of ketosis and does allulose increase your blood sugar. You’re about to find out! Watch my live blood study video here (this is not public).

To purchase the exact version of allulose I use in my test CLICK HERE. You can also see this version on the right sidebar, so click there as well to take you to this version of allulose. There are other versions of allulose that are suspect. In other words, they may not be just allulose both other sugar that can definitely increase your blood sugar or take you out of ketosis. This is the only version that I have tested.

To learn more about allulose Click HERE

This test was done due to the reports that allulose was kicking people out of ketosis. Further investigation showed that these reports were coming from Quest Cereal Bar users that were on a ketogenic diet and maintaining ketosis. These Quest Bars with allulose as an ingredient were kicking people out of ketosis so they were saying that allulose kicked them out of ketosis. It was the Quest Cereal Bar, not necessarily the allulose. If you look at the ingredient listing of these bars you’ll see that they have other ingredients that can affect your blood sugar and possibly take your ketosis level down – so beware.

Collagen vs Collagen Peptides: What Type of Collagen is Best

What Type of Collagen is Best

When it comes to what type of collagen is best, you must first know that there are a few terms that are interchangeable so you don’t get confused. Gelatin is collagen that has been cooked down. Collagen or Collagen Peptides have been processed further into smaller pieces.

Gelatin and collagen are two proteins that are commonly associated with health benefits such as healing leaky gut, preventing wrinkles, improving digestion, and reducing joint pain.

Oftentimes, you may see gelatin and collagen used interchangeably. But while they come from the same sources— bones, skin and tissue— they’re not the same thing.

The Gelatin Version of Collagen vs Collagen Peptides

As mentioned, collagen is found in bones and tissue. Since it’s too tough to eat tendons or ligaments, these parts must be cooked down using a process called partial hydrolysis, to make the collagen digestible. The hydrolyzing and drying of the bones and tissue is what forms gelatin powder. In other words, gelatin is the cooked form of collagen.

Making bone broth is one of the most delicious ways to get more collagen and gelatin into your diet. By simmering bones and tissue in water with other aromatics for 20 to 24 hours, the collagen and gelatin get released from the bones and make their way into your tasty soup.

When it comes to collagen supplements, you may have heard of hydrolyzed collagen or collagen peptides. This form of collagen is simply gelatin that has been more aggressively processed through hydrolysis to form smaller proteins, which can be easily digested and absorbed by the body.

Simply put, the differences between collagen and gelatin come down to how they’re processed. The processing method is what gives collagen and gelatin different textures, unique health benefits, and allows them to be therapeutic in different ways.

So, should you use collagen peptides or gelatin? Let’s take a quick look at the similar health benefits of collagen and gelatin, followed by their differences, so you can decide which one is best for you.

What Collagen Peptides and Gelatin Have in Common

First, let’s break down the makeup of each. Since collagen and gelatin are derived from the same sources, the have identical amino acid profiles. Most of the amino acids found in gelatin and collagen are highly anti-inflammatory (unlike some other animal proteins), which makes them beneficial for supporting overall health and well-being.

Gelatin and collagen contain the amino acids proline and glucosamine, as well as proteins called glycosaminoglycans. All of these nutrients support joint health by promoting the growth of new cartilage, and cushioning the joints (1)(2). Having more of these nutrients has been found to help reduce the pain associated with arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Another amino acid found in gelatin and collagen is glycine. As a powerful natural anti-inflammatory, glycine also helps to improve joint pain, but has the added benefit of supporting healthy nervous system function, improving sleep quality, building collagen, and strengthening the intestinal lining (3)(4). As you can see, glycine is one of the reasons why collagen and gelatin provide health benefits to the entire body.

Lastly, one of the most important nutrients for healthy, younger looking skin is collagen.

As the most abundant protein found in your skin, collagen helps preserve skin elasticity to keep it smooth, supple and youthful. Since our bodies begin to produce less collagen once we hit age 25, getting collagen and gelatin through your diet is especially helpful to improve your skin’s appearance from the inside out (5). As a protein, collagen is also a primary building block for healthy teeth, bones, hair and nails (6). When looking at what type of collagen is best for you, consider the following:

What type of collagen is best for you?

Benefits of Gelatin Collagen

Gelatinbeef bone broth collagen

When collagen is boiled, partially hydrolyzed, and dried to form gelatin, it turns into a brittle, dry powder. But when mixed with hot liquids, it dissolves into a gel-like substance (hence the name gelatin). If you’ve eaten Jello before, you’ve had gelatin.

The gelatinous texture of gelatin is what makes it useful as a thickener in your recipes (such as homemade gravies, vitamin gummy bears, and soups). The gel-like texture also determines how it’s digested and absorbed by your body, which can influence certain aspects of your health —  from blood sugar balance to intestinal repair.

Gut Repair

Picture gelatin as a thick, goopy gel when it’s being digested and absorbed in your intestinal tract. It moves sluggishly and is slower to digest, which is why it’s said to help soothe and coat the gut lining.

Since gelatin is 30% glycine, it’s one of the richest sources of glycine on the planet. Glycine has been shown to improve gut health by repairing the intestinal wall, and sealing the gut lining — which is essential for healing leaky gut syndrome and the autoimmune conditions that stem from leaky gut, such as rheumatoid arthritis and allergies (7)(8).

The benefits of gelatin for healing the GI tract also make it one of the top foods to eat on the GAPS diet, which is a gut health protocol designed to help repair the gut lining and heal digestive symptoms, leaky gut syndrome and autoimmune diseases.

Blood Sugar Balance

One study showed that when gelatin was consumed with sugar, it reduced the glucose response by nearly 50% (9). This suggests that gelatin is an effective protein for reducing blood sugar spikes and crashes when consumed with high carb meals. Therefore, gelatin may also be helpful for managing and improving type 2 diabetes and other blood sugar imbalances (10).

It’s possible that the slow digestion and absorption rate of gelatin is one factor that allows it to reduce insulin spikes, but the study specifically mentions the high glycine content in gelatin for reducing the glucose response. Since collagen peptides also contain glycine, it’s possible they may have a similar effect. When looking at what type of collagen is best, I use this version/gelatin for this very reason!

Digestive Health

Gelatin may improve bowel regularity, and relieve bloating and constipation. Its gel-like texture absorbs water and helps keep fluid in the intestinal tract, which is needed to promote healthy and regular bowel movements.

Gelatin has also been shown to increase gastric acid (stomach acid) production, which improves digestion and nutrient absorption.

Side Effects of Gelatin

Some may experience digestive symptoms such as gas, bloating, and heartburn when first adding gelatin to their diets, or from eating too much. This is because the larger molecules of gelatin are ‘heavier’ and can be harder to digest.

To avoid these symptoms, it’s best to start with a small serving size of gelatin (such as 1 teaspoon) and gradually increase to 1 to 11/2  tablespoons.

Key Health Benefit of Collagen Peptides (Hydrolyzed Collagen):

collagenvital proteins collagen

Easier to absorb

Collagen peptides provide the same health benefits as gelatin, however there is an advantage to taking collagen peptides over gelatin.

As we covered, powdered collagen supplements are gelatin that’s been processed more aggressively using hydrolysis, which forms smaller molecules called short chain peptides.

These short chain peptides are easier for your body to digest and absorb, which means the amino acids in hydrolyzed collagen may be more bioavailable and cause fewer digestive symptoms. Not only that, it’s possible that because collagen peptides are easier to absorb, you may notice the health benefits of collagen sooner when taking peptides, compared to gelatin powder.

Summary of Gelatin Vs. Collagen Health Benefits

What type of collagen is best for you?

what type of collagen is best

My Personal Bone Broth Trick On Handling Sugar/High Carb Meals

bone broth collagen sticks

I take one of these beef bone broth sticks with me, put it in coffee or any other drink toward the end of my meal.

As you can see, gelatin and collagen both provide many of the same incredible health benefits, so there really is no ‘wrong’ choice when deciding what type of collagen is best. Whether you choose gelatin or collagen comes down to how you want to use it (ie: do you want to mix collagen in your smoothies, or add texture to your recipes?), and which form of collagen your body responds best to.

And don’t forget, in addition to supplements, you can also get collagen and gelatin in your diet the original way: by drinking bone broth. The simmering time of the bones (up to 24 hours) allows collagen and gelatin to be released into the broth, which many believe is digested quicker than a powder.

Summary of Difference Between Collagen, Collagen Peptides, Gelatin and Hydrolyzed Collagen

  • Collagen is the most important structural protein in the body. However, full length collagen is ineffective as an oral supplement because of its long, twisted shape.
  • Collagen peptides and gelatin are made by breaking down full length collagen molecules. Collagen peptides are more bioavailable and digested more quickly than gelatin due to their shorter length.
  • Hydrolyzed collagen and collagen peptides are two names for the same product.
  • Gelatin is collagen that has gone through partial hydrolysis, which makes it gel. Gelatin is not absorbed as well and is less versatile than collagen peptides.
  • Bone broth is made by slowly cooking bones and cartilage in water to form gelatin. Collagen peptides are more easily absorbed into the bloodstream than gelatin, so bone broth does not have the same healing ability as collagen peptides.

My Personal Collagen Strategy

I keep collagen peptides as a consistent staple in my diet, and I use 1 serving a day either in coffee or with one of my health drinks. I’ve also tossed it in eggs, soups, and water (before going to bed to really amp up the repair process.) If I’m drinking a bone broth that day, I mix it in for the most powerful collagen drink you can get (both gelatin and peptides). If I had to answer the question to “what type of collagen is best” with only one response, it would be “Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides.”

dr wade collagen peptides

When I’m recovering from an injury, dealing with any additional inflammation, or if I’m about to consume a high carb meal, I use bone broth collagen (gelatin in a dry form) in addition. You could call this a collagen stack. Now this particular collagen says “unflavored” and it is, but it does have a little aroma – much like a light bullion smell. It’s fairly tasteless, but when you do the water test (mix in water and drink), there is a hint of a taste. It’s not bad, but you can tell the water has “something in it.” When I mix it with my orange flavored ketones, it mildly dulls the tartness.  I like this beef collagen product as it has the most dense nutrition you can get in terms of collagen. Some report there is no flavor at all. It’s designed to be mixed in warm liquid, so it’s perfect for broth, coffees, warm teas, soups and such.

beef bone broth collagen

Both of these formulas were selected from years of collagen use, research, and experimentation starting back in the 90’s when we were first introduced to a hydrolyzed protein called Calorad. 1 tbsp of this stuff and folks started losing weight, looking younger, sleeping better, and feeling better. I knew there was something powerful going on, but the company soon went out of business. Knowing that collagen is the #1 most important protein in the body, I focused on finding the best sources of this while the industry focused on what the market was after – muscle building, meal replacement and weight loss. So that meant mostly soy, whey, and other proteins. Now the word has finally gotten out, and thanks to the resurgence of bone broth as a fountain of youth to celebrities, collagen is back!

The Coffee Test: What type of collagen is best in Coffee?

***** Hands down, Collagen Peptides is the winner here – you can detect no presence of anything. Coffee remains perfect

*** Bone Broth Collagen (beef) dissolves well and barely gives a hint of its presence in black coffee. If you use cream/sugar/flavoring/bulletproof coffee; you can’t really tell anything else is in it. If you are using any kind of sweetener (STOP!)…USE ALLULOSE. (Opens in new tab)

the bone broth coffee test

Collagen to me has never been a fad. In fact, it’s one of the 4 pillars of nutrition that we are missing in our diets today. Be sure to read Deep Nutrition by Catherine Shanahan, MD. I am 49 (almost 50) and have rapidly recovered from a blown ACL (skiing accident) much like a young athlete. I coupled collagen with exogenous ketones and stayed 4 weeks ahead of typical recovery times. I lost fat, preserved muscle, kept inflammation in check, never took any pain meds, and focused on taking care of may patients while I practiced what I preach (with a little over-doing it as expected).

Of the two types of collagen you will see in the marketplace, gelatin (including bone broth) collagen and collagen peptides, the collagen peptides take the title and win the “what type of collagen is best” award. This is because it is the most versatile, cost effective, and easiest to digest. The gelatin version is known to have denser nutrtition and additional benefits that I can’t leave on the table, so I use both.



  • Trentham DE1, Dynesius-Trentham RA, Orav EJ, Combitchi D, Lorenzo C, Sewell KL, Hafler DA, Weiner HL. Effects of oral administration of type II collagen on rheumatoid arthritis. Science. 1993 Sep 24;261(5129):1727-30.
  • Bannai, M., Kawai, N., Ono, K., Nakahara, K., & Murakami, N. (2012). The Effects of Glycine on Subjective Daytime Performance in Partially Sleep-Restricted Healthy Volunteers. Frontiers in Neurology, 3. doi:10.3389/fneur.2012.00061
  • Weight loss maintenance: Predictors of successful weight loss maintenance: a qualitative comparative analysis.” Bdj217.9 (2014): 525. Web.
  • Ruiz-Ramírez, Angélica, Ely Ortiz-Balderas, Guillermo Cardozo-Saldaña, Eulises Diaz-Diaz, and Mohammed El-Hafidi. “Glycine restores glutathione and protects against oxidative stress in vascular tissue from sucrose-fed rats.” Clinical Science126.1 (2014): 19-29. Web.
  • Papakonstantinou, Eleni, Michael Roth, and George Karakiulakis. “Hyaluronic acid: A key molecule in skin aging.” Dermato-Endocrinology 4.3 (2012): 253-58. Web.


A Cauliflower Pizza Crust Will Blow You Away

A cauliflower pizza crust is the way to go to satisfy your pizza craving without the guilt!

Having a go-to cauliflower pizza crust is must, especially if you’ve been following a Paleo, gluten-free or grain-free diet for some time. Sometimes it can get complicated and lengthy, maybe you’ve burned your hands before wringing out the cauliflower after you’ve cooked it, but no more! We made a simple, do-it-yourself crust that is a real crowd pleaser. And of course we had to add grass-fed, USDA organic Beef Bone Broth Collagen to take the health level of this pizza crust up a notch.

cauliflower pizza crust

I love Beef Bone Broth Collagen for all the versatility it brings. Consume it on its own in liquid or use it for the base of soups, but it can be way more creative than that.  Bone broth is a healthy elixir that has been around for centuries, known to boost the immune system and promote gut health (1), support sleep (2) and a healthy metabolism (3), and even promote detoxification (4). Vital Proteins Beef Bone Broth Collagen has no added salt, which means you can control the amount of salt in the recipes you make with it. It does contain hyaluronic acid, which helps your skin retain moisture and staves off the aging process (5). It’s no wonder our ancestors considered this drink magical!

Another versatile ingredient is the main one in this pizza crust recipe: cauliflower. Cauliflower is high in antioxidants, which fight free oxidative radicals in the prevention of cancer (6). It is loaded with vitamin C, which helps support the immune system fight bacteria and other harmful invaders. Cauliflower has also been studied to show it supports the cardiovascular system and improves overall quality of health (7). It is versatile because it can be chopped, cooked, steamed and grated for numerous results in different recipes.

This pizza crust is made without any type of dairy to keep it friendly for our dairy-free readers out there. Cauliflower pizza crust is typically made with some type of cheese to help bind it together, but we found that it worked well with vegan cheese as well. Look for vegan cheese that is free of soy and processed oils, preferably in chevre or cream cheese type of texture. I’m not vegan, obviously, but I have to help those folks, too.

Another savory element in our cauliflower pizza crust is garlic. This pungent vegetable is known for quite a few health benefits, including overall protection to the cardiovascular system (8). Garlic, along with other Allium species vegetables, have anticancer properties and their sulfur compounds can modify a person’s risk for cancer (9). It has even been studied to show that it can prevent the common cold and other infections (10). Garlic is also a staple pizza ingredient, if you ask us.

Don’t be intimidated to try something a little out of the ordinary with this cauliflower crust pizza. Your taste buds won’t regret it!
Cauliflower Crust Pizza

Total Time: 1 hr

Crust Ingredients

2 pounds frozen cauliflower, thawed
1 egg
1 scoop Beef Bone Broth Collagen
8 ounces vegan cheese, chevre or cream cheese style
1 teaspoon garlic powder
¾ teaspoon sea salt


16 ounces vegan or regular mozzarella
1 cup sliced heirloom tomatoes (I don’t do tomatoes – nightshade and I just don’t like them. )
½ cup sliced zucchini
½ cup roasted red pepper (another nightshade, so continue or substitute
5-6 fresh basil leaves, chiffonade

** Can mix it up with other veggies such as mushroom, onion (unless fodmap sensitive), and black olives.
*** Meatlovers, can also put in gently browned grass-fed beef seasoned to taste (, and you can also get beef mixed with beef heart for organ meat enthusiasts! It’s a treat you won’t forget! Simple Himalayan see salt and garlic powder works well.


Preheat oven to 400 F. Make sure frozen cauliflower is completely thawed.
Place thawed cauliflower in a blender to make “rice” and place into a clean dish towel or cheesecloth. Wrap up cauliflower in the cloth, and squeeze out as much liquid as possible over a sink or bowl.
In a large mixing bowl, add in cauliflower (it should resemble a dough-like ball) along with the egg, Beef Bone Broth Collagen, vegan cheese, garlic powder and salt. Mix until well combined.
Place a piece of parchment paper on a pizza stone or a baking dish and place your pizza dough on the parchment paper to shape into a crust (it will be quite sticky).
Bake the cauliflower pizza crust for 40 minutes, or until the crust is starting to turn golden brown and removes easily from the parchment paper.
Top with your favorite pizza ingredients, leaving off the fresh basil, and bake for another 10-15 minutes until the cheese is melted and the vegetables have softened.
Remove from the oven and top with fresh basil chiffonade.
Serve immediately.

Trentham DE1, Dynesius-Trentham RA, Orav EJ, Combitchi D, Lorenzo C, Sewell KL, Hafler DA, Weiner HL. Effects of oral administration of type II collagen on rheumatoid arthritis. Science. 1993 Sep 24;261(5129):1727-30.

Bannai, M., Kawai, N., Ono, K., Nakahara, K., & Murakami, N. (2012). The Effects of Glycine on Subjective Daytime Performance in Partially Sleep-Restricted Healthy Volunteers. Frontiers in Neurology, 3. doi:10.3389/fneur.2012.00061

Weight loss maintenance: Predictors of successful weight loss maintenance: a qualitative comparative analysis.” Bdj217.9 (2014): 525. Web.

Ruiz-Ramírez, Angélica, Ely Ortiz-Balderas, Guillermo Cardozo-Saldaña, Eulises Diaz-Diaz, and Mohammed El-Hafidi. “Glycine restores glutathione and protects against oxidative stress in vascular tissue from sucrose-fed rats.” Clinical Science126.1 (2014): 19-29. Web.

Papakonstantinou, Eleni, Michael Roth, and George Karakiulakis. “Hyaluronic acid: A key molecule in skin aging.” Dermato-Endocrinology 4.3 (2012): 253-58. Web.

Ambrosone CB, Tang L. Cruciferous Vegetable Intake and Cancer Prevention: Role of Nutrigenetics. Cancer Prevention Research. 2009;2(4):298-300. doi:10.1158/1940-6207.capr-09-0037.

Zhang X, Shu XO, Xiang YB, et al. Cruciferous vegetable consumption is associated with a reduced risk of total and cardiovascular disease mortality. The American journal of clinical nutrition. Published July 2011. Accessed July 21, 2017.

Banerjee SK, Maulik SK. Effect of garlic on cardiovascular disorders: a review. Nutrition Journal. Published 2002. Accessed July 21, 2017.

Nicastro HL, Ross SA, Milner JA. Garlic and onions: Their cancer prevention properties. Cancer prevention research (Philadelphia, Pa.). Published March 2015. Accessed July 21, 2017.

Josling P. Preventing the common cold with a garlic supplement: a double-blind, placebo-controlled survey. Advances in therapy. Accessed July 21, 2017.

What is Allulose? Is Allulose a Safe Sugar Substitute?

There’s A New Sugar In Town – Allulose

Move over stevia. Not so fast erythritol. There is a new rising star in the unending search for the best sugar substitute. It’s name is Allulose. So, what is allulose? Allulose is a non-GMO simple sugar that has only has 10% of the calories of regular sugar.

what is allulose

We recently got our ketokrate that provides samples of keto and paleo friendly snacks made by companies that are not the big wig sugar pumping conglomerates. Let’s face it, I live in the fattest, most unhealthy state in the world (literally) so I really have to reach out to find normal human foods so I stay in the best health possible! In our ketokrate was an amazing looking cookie by Know Better Foods, and the sugar amount was 28g! “What?! this can’t be appropriate for ketogenic dieters, there’s no way!” I said.

Then I saw it…Allulose! It hit me…Essentially, allulose has one tenth the calories and carbohydrates of table sugar.  Where 10g of sugar has 40 calories, and 10g of carbs–10g of allulose has 1 calorie and 1g of carbs.

Given that the Know Better cookies have 28g of allulose–this acts as 2.8g of carbohydrate in the body.

It’s ok if you’ve not heard of this new sugar yet. In fact, my wife’s first question after she at the cookie, was, “Hey! this has way too much sugar!..” I stopped her and said, “don’t worry, it’s allulose, and thats the way they have to report it!” Of course, her response was, “What’s allulose?!” And like her,  just about all the recipients of the ketokrate were in an uproar wondering “what is allulose,” and “how can this cookie” be considered keto?! Keep reading…

Allulose is found in nature, along with many other sugars, in small quantities in foods such as figs, raisins and maple syrup. It is just now starting to hit the market so depending on when you’re reading this, allulose may be brand new to you.

You might be interested to know that allulose is not a digestible sugar. This is NOT a problem!  Unlike some sugar alcohols that can cause some uncomfortable stomach issues, allulose simply filters out through the kidneys with no ill effects.

You can add it to anything and the taste is essentially like sugar. It’s just about like fructose. The ultimate test is making chocolate, and it passes the sugar test! Moreover,  allulose has a Glycemic Index of 0!

And the best new?  It doesn’t taste funny.  No aftertaste and no weird cooling effect.W

Where to Get Allulose

At this time, you can get the best deal HERE at Amazon!

Is Allulose the Ultimate Sugar Alternative?

It’s interesting that the FDA doesn’t really know what to do with it because it’s a sugar, so you can’t technically say that something with allulose is “sugar free.”

For my fellow nerds on the chemistry end,  think of it as allulose,  D-Psicose or an epimer of fructose.

Like I said above, it’s very similar to fructose except allulose has one “OH” that is flipped in the other direction.  That’s it.

A few more details.

  • ~70% as sweet as Sucrose
  • No aftertaste
  • No gastric upset
  • GI of 0

The end result is that our taste buds react to it the same way but in the same way some people don’t have the enzyme to digest lactose, humans don’t have the enzyme to digest allulose.

How do you use it?  Just like granulated sugar but you need to use a little more.  The literature says it is closer to 80% sweet as sucrose (table sugar) but I found in testing that it actually took more to taste similar.

what is allulose

How much to use? Simply start with multiplying it by 1.4 and adjust from there if needed. For example, 2tbs of sugar would be 2 x 1.4 = 2.8 so I’d use 3 tbs of allulose.


Is Allulose Safe? What Does Research Show?

Not to get too excited, but I think we’re about to see a huge shift in the sugar and diet industries (multi billion dollar industries). Research shows the anti-hyperlipidemic effect of D-allulose, combined with its anti-inflammatory actions on adipocytes, is beneficial for the prevention of both obesity and atherosclerosis and is accompanied by improvements in insulin resistance and impaired glucose tolerance. SEE ARTICLE HERE

Research thus far shows that allulose is not only safe but that it has the potential to revolutionize how we can handle and treat obesity. As Chung et al (3) states, “we can develop D-psicose (allulose) as a sugar substitute and food ingredient since it can prevent obesity in normal people, but also suppress adiposity as a sugar substitute or food ingredients with antiobesity effect in obese people. D-psicose can be unique functional sweetener because of its function of reducing visceral fat mass and weight gain.”

Allulose passes through the body without significant metabolism.

Allulose is absorbed by the small intestine and excreted in the urine without being significantly metabolized. A study in 14 healthy adults consuming allulose at 5 to 20 g reported urinary excretion of allulose at 66-79% and low microbial fermentability of allulose in the large intestine [1]. In another study, 8 healthy adults consumed 15 g unlabeled allulose with 776 nCi of 14C-allulose. Results showed that 86% of the radioactive dose was excreted in the urine, less than 3% excreted in the feces, and virtually no radioactivity was detected in expired air. Of the radioactivity in the urine, intact allulose was predominant (84%) with no other metabolites detected indicating that allulose is absorbed in the small intestine and excreted in the urine without undergoing significant metabolism [2].

Allulose produced a neglible amount of energy

The energy value of allulose is predicted to be 0.2 kcal/g, a negligible amount based on human studies. A study in healthy adults reported that allulose, absorbed in small intestine, was not metabolized into energy as neither carbohydrate energy expenditure (CEE) nor respiratory quotient (RQ) increased in three hours after ingestion of 0.35 g/kg body weight or 20 g allulose [1]. A 0.9 to 1.6 kJ/g energy yield (0.2-0.4 kcal/g) was predicted based on low breath hydrogen excretion (due to low colonic fermentation) following intake of 5-20g allulose in the same study [1]. Another study evaluating absorption, metabolism, and excretion showed no significant metabolism of allulose [2]. Thus, the caloric value of allulose is likely negligible.


[1] Iida T, Hayashi N, Yamada T, Yoshikawa Y, Miyazato S, Kishimoto Y, Okuma K, Tokuda M, Izumori K. Failure of d-psicose absorbed in the small intestine to metabolize into energy and its low large intestinal fermentability in humans. Metabolism 2010; 59:206-214.

[2] Williamson et al. A single dose microtracer study to determine the mass balance of orally administered, 14C-labeled sweetener in healthy adult men. FASEB J 2014; 28(1):LB450.

What Allulose Is Not

I feel like we’ve covered, “what is allulose,” so now we need to cover what allulose is not…Allulose is NOT an “artificial sweetener” with the questionable reputation, functionality and sensory profile of saccharin or aspartame. It has 10% the Calories of Traditional Sugar. It’s sugar, by another name.

The U.S. FDA grants Allulose Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status and sanctions its use in moderate amounts by consumers of all ages.

There you have it.



Is Your Food the Source of Your Pain?

An Anti-Inflammatory Diet Could Be the Ticket to Feeling Better

When I say the word “inflammation,” it’s likely to evoke thoughts of painful joints and muscles, swelling, and a loss of mobility. But did you know that recent research shows that chronic inflammation in your body can lead to serious diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, some cancers, and Alzheimer’s disease, to name just a few?

The amount of inflammation in your body varies and is dependent on a number of factors – including your activity level, the amount of sleep you get, the degree of stress in your life, and even the foods you eat. What you have to realize is that these factors are cumulative – meaning they build up over time. And the more that any or all of these factors get out of whack, the risk for disease increases.

Early in life, these levels can be so low that you might not even be aware that you have any inflammation in your body. That’s because our bodies do a fairly decent job of controlling the inflammation – at least for a while. Then one day you wake up and you’re in your 40s and something is just not right. That’s when the fear begins to set in, and you think to yourself: What did I do wrong? or What can I do now to help myself?

The first step is to get your C-reactive protein (CRP) levels tested. C-reactive protein is produced by the liver, and the level of CRP rises when there is systemic inflammation in the body. Ask your doctor about this (you may have to demand to have the test done). All it requires is a blood sample that will be evaluated by your doctor. And because diet can play a large role in how much or how little inflammation you have, you may want these levels looked at by a registered dietician who can help you formulate an appropriate eating plan.

If you have pain due to inflammation, you may choose to take the traditional medical path, which includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), steroids, and even joint-replacement surgery in extreme cases. The good news is that there are natural ways to fight inflammation without the undesirable side-effects that often result from the treatments listed above.

What You Eat Makes All The Difference

The food we eat is a critical piece of the puzzle when it comes to controlling inflammation. The typical American diet consists of too much “BAD” fat, tons of sugar, loads of industrial processed meat, and a frightening amount of processed foods – all of which are likely to increase inflammation and contribute to obesity, which itself is can cause inflammation. By switching to an anti-inflammatory diet plan consisting of healthy whole foods, you can actually decrease inflammation and ease the pain and discomfort associated with it.

The first step is to avoid processed foods, foods high in sugar, and junk food whenever possible. Instead, choose fresh whole foods, especially anti-inflammatory varieties such as lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables. But choose carefully. Many vegetables and pre-packaged “health” foods can actually work against you. Use this handy list of the best and worst foods for controlling inflammation:

Anti-inflammatory foods
Alaskan Salmon (wild)
Grass-fed beef
Fresh whole fruits, vegetables (not necessarily the nightshades: tomato, white potato, peppers, and egg plant)
Bright multi-colored vegetables
Green tea
Olive oil
Lean poultry
Nuts, legumes and seeds
Dark green leafy vegetables
Old fashioned oatmeal
Spices, especially Turmeric and Ginger
Inflammatory foods
Sugar, from any source
Processed foods
French Fries
Fast Foods
White bread
Ice Cream
Cheddar Cheeses
Snack Foods
Oils such as vegetable and corn
Soda, caffeine and alcohol
Watch out for Supplements that Can Cause Inflammation
Glucosamine/Chondroitin is made from shellfish, so watch out if you have a sensitivity to this!
Low quality fish oil pills
Vitamin D, yes, I know this is surprising, but read this:

In addition to these dietary changes it is also recommended that you:
* Maintain a healthy weight – There is no question that eating healthy is not easy nowadays, whether you’re at home or at a restaurant. But at the very least, you must try to decrease your intake of sugars and hydrogenated oils and increase your daily intake of fiber. Ideally, you should be consuming 35 grams of fiber (that is a ton of fiber, but it’s worth shooting for).
* Get better sleep – 7 to 9 hours of sleep is a must for optimal health; getting a good night’s sleep is key to controlling systemic inflammation.
* Relax more often to lower stress levels – Find time for yourself throughout the day to focus on your breathing and clear the clutter from your mind; learn to stay focused on the most important tasks in your life.
* Exercise on a regular basis – People always ask me: What’s the best exercise to do? I always tell them: Do something you like to do and, if your body can tolerate it, aim for 15-20 minutes three times a week.
* Demand to have you CRP levels tested – This simple blood test is the best indicator of the amount of systemic inflammation in your body. Have the levels evaluated by a certified health care provider who can suggest the most appropriate action.
So, if you are in pain and you’ve made a conscious decision to help yourself get better, then…